Separately, Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield, are three of the most promising stars in the filmmaking. Together, they lead the cast of Never leave me, a disturbing look at love in the future. Miguel Cane
Based on the acclaimed novel by Kazuo Ishiguro (author of The Remains of the Day ), which was a resounding critical and sales success, never forsake me is an extraordinary love story loss and hidden truths. In it the author raised the fundamental question: What makes us human? Now Director Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo ), screenwriter Alex Garland ( Extermination and Sunshine ) present it as a bleak futuristic drama.
Kathy (Carey Mulligan), Tommy (Andrew Garfield, the Social Network ) and Ruth (Keira Knightley) spend their childhood at Hailsham, a seemingly idyllic English boarding school sober and completely isolated from the world where find a dark and disturbing secret about his future. When you leave behind the safe haven that gives the school and approach the devastating fate that awaits them in adulthood, they also have to deal with deep feelings Love, jealousy and betrayal that threatens to tear them apart.
In person, Keira Knightley (1985) is expressive and direct, where Carey Mulligan (1985) is equally charming, though more quiet and serene. Sitting between the two, Andrew Garfield (1983) gives the first impression of being overwhelmed, but it goes fast and ptonto, the three can not stop laughing shedding their status as stars rapidly [the three politely greet the press, hand ask questions, break the ice], but have well learned that the doors remain closed his private life: never talk about it and is a partnership that has had throughout his book tour; seems part of the complicity that capture on-screen characters.
All three have great chemistry together! Spent much time together to prepare before the shoot ...? Keira
: Carey and I already knew, of Pride and Prejudice , which were sisters.
Carey: Yes and we were in London all the time in clubs and with friends, stuff like that. Keira
: But we did not know Andrew. Not really. Andrew
: Let's say I was the stranger. (Laughter)
Carey: So what Mark did was get to live a certain way before shooting. Keira and I were studying our script together and share a house in location. Andrew
: I had isolated two weeks. In a basement. A bread and water. (Laughs) No, seriously. I took apart a while, and then I joined the dynamic with them. It was interesting, because there was a link between them and me came out. So Carey moved to my hotel and I a week with Keira I lived alone. Almost like in the book. Keira
: In the long run it helped us a lot to establish the dynamics of the relationship between the characters.
the book? Keira
: Yes, I read it when he left.
Carey: Yes, I really liked. So I immediately agreed when I proposed it. Andrew
: Er ... I. .. (Laughs) I read when I was called to audition. I flew from Los Angeles to London and before leaving, I bought the book. I could not let go. I thought one of the most fascinating things I had read in my life.
Carey: Yes, that. It's fascinating. And Alex did a great job of adapting. Keira
: guess that's because Alex, in itself, is a novelist too. And again, Kazuo Ishiguro visited us on set and that was wonderful because we could ask questions.
Carey: Personally, I hate when you adapt a book bad movies. Alex and Mark told us clearly they wanted to keep the essence of the story. And I think we did, even my mom says that this movie was an excellent opportunity to do that.

In the film, its characters are presented as being created specifically for growing bodies. Would you say that they are human?
Carey course they are human. As has been designed does not matter. Are.
Keira: I always clear. This of course is the controversy of the plot. Andrew
: Is the aspect that attracted me to Tommy. The idea that feelings and emotions are what really make us human, even though the rules or conditions: in the microcosm of boarding school and in the macrocosm of outer life. They are human, living to live with other humans. Sounds sinister, but strangely I also find a great expression of love. Keira
: their love is what makes them human, I think.
Carey: Definitely . Are the feelings and thoughts that make humans, though not born that way.
All three have become not only promises, but real stars, while still very young. How do that now?
Carey: I do not feel that way. I came to be sitting in the middle of a movie with people who had already seen me in movies but did not recognize me, although I heard about my film. So I do not feel like a star, when I can still sit down and watch a movie in front of someone who saw me before. I'm still relatively limited. Just doing my job, I make up and come to interviews like these, but for now, nobody fills my life in any way. Keira
: depends on how you take it. What is a star for you? For me, a star Leonardo DiCaprio, or Meryl Streep or Johnny Depp. I am a working actress. I was fortunate to participate in two very popular, but if you ask me what I prefer, I will say that I like working all the time, and Charlotte Rampling (who plays the director of the institute). I think it's incredible that she has always done what she wanted, not what is required. I think it makes the difference between a star and an actor. Able to do both is a golden opportunity. Andrew
: I'm not a star. Do not want to think that I am, because I did not merit, may I explain? I Social Network and it was great what happened. Now I have a commitment to Spider-Man . But I do not know what will happen morning. I do not like to anticipate the run. As Keira said, it is best to work on what you like. And everything else is a bonus you can enjoy if you like, or go to the next project you have and continue.
Carey Sometimes I think being a star must be a pain. I hope not. At least not in the sense that it is now, with so many paparazzi chasing you and stuff. That's not what I want. Keira
: If this is not what you want, then you can always avoid it. Some people will make the ball the game of celebrity. But you always have the option of avoiding it. After all why we're actors, right? We can become invisible at will. And sometimes it's a relief!
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