Yerba the star / Lucera (Pluchea sagittalis )
The generic name Pluchea was given in honor of the French priest and naturalist Noël Antoine Pluche (1688-1761) , better known as Abate Pluche , author of "Spectacle the nature " published in 1732.
Origin and distribution: Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina (Salta, Tucumán , Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Formosa, Misiones, Corrientes, Entre Rios and Buenos Aires) .
Other names: luser , star Herb, luser Yerba , Four songs, Quitoco , Quitoc , Quitoque , Arnica, Nasherék ltaá (father of snuff), Uové ( weed ) Uashitó or lok lak Toba language (Mangangá collar ) Yacaré caá .
"Letter to a New Ethnic Gran Chaco" Enter the name tuff Vioxanaxaic (Old Man Center Chaco (Chaco), National Agency for Promotion of Science and Technology)
In Brazil is known by the common names of Mother harpsichord; and Tabacarana Arnica. Use the keyword refers to the resemblance to the flower buds.
"Ethnobotany of Composite Argentinas Special Reference to their Use Pharmacological " records the following data: Pluchea , 4 species, 2 in Argentina.
P. sagittalis ( Lam.) Cabr . ( quitoc DC .; P. suaveolans ( Vell.)
Yungas of NW Argentina and phytogeographical province the S Paranaense of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and NE of Argentina .
Names: Lucera, Kito , Quitoc , Quitoco , Quitoque , Herb of the star, caa Yacaré (Guarani), Naserék ltaá (father of snuff in tuff) Uoué ( weed in tuff) and Uashit 'lok hó or lak (tuff).
"The decoction of the plant is antihysteric, carminative, digestive and liver and is applied externally for washing grains. With the plant is preparing an appetizer and digestive liquor. The leaves in poultice are used in cefalgias . " ( Zardini, Elsa M.: Ethnobotany of Composite Argentinas with Special Reference to their Use Pharmacological , Fac. of Natural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, Farm Act. Buenos Aires 3 (1): 77-99 (1984)
North Collector Road area Nicolás Avellaneda, stretch resistance - Corrientes (Chaco, Argentina)
evergreen herb, stems erect, pubescent, winged, alternate leaves lightly serrated margins, lanceolate. Inflorescences strands of white flowers in lilac . Blooms in summer. popular use is mentioned for stomach upset.
The Dictionary of Agricultural Sciences mentions that "In Argentina aerial parts used as an antispasmodic, antiinflammatory and aromatic stimulant." ( Barioglio , Carlos Fernando: Dictionary of Agricultural Sciences , Córdoba, Argentina, 2006)
The "Argentine Food Code " Chapter XIV : Espirutuosas Beverages , Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages Distilled Spirits , where Art. 1129 (Res. 2071, 10/11/1988) states: "With the name of Cocktail (for example : fernets , Bitters, Bitters ) refers alcoholic beverages containing certain principles bitter to which they can allocate the property to be appetite stimulants.
can be obtained by distillation, infusion, maceration or digestion of one or more plants or parts of them in rubbing alcohol from wine: "The list
Figure transcribing the name Latin botanical and plant part normally used, it integrates this list Lucera (Pluchea saggitalis (Lam ) Cabrera) grass. Links
Steffen, SJ: Plants Medicinais - Popular Traditional Uses , Instituto de Pesquisas Anchietano / UNSINOS , 2010, Brazil ( Quitoco , pg. 66)
Medicinal Plants of South America, Knowledge Dialogues for Sustainability , Medicinal Plants Network South America, International Centre for Development Research (IDRC - IDRC), 2005
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