Thursday, April 3, 2008

Best Japanese Sharking

refined Sugar - Sweet Poison


"Everything you ever wanted to know about Nutrition." Dr . David Reuben.
Editorial Diana. pages 207 to 235. Mexico DF . 1981.

Can you consider sugar as a food?

Impossible, refined white sugar is not food. A chemical pure, extracted from plant sources, purer in fact than cocaine which is similar in many respects. His real name is sucrose or sucrose and its chemical formula is C12H22O11. Has twelve carbon atoms, twenty of hydrogen and oxygen eleven and absolutely nothing else to offer. Refined sugar has no vitamins, no minerals useful, no enzymes, no trace has no fiber, no fat and no protein is of no benefit in food. Not for all this is good.

Do you think strange comparison between sugar and cocaine?

Let's look more closely:

1. Sugar is a white crystalline powder highly refined, so is cocaine.

2. The chemical formula of cocaine is C17H21NO4. The formula is C12H22O11 sugar. From the practical point of view The difference is that sugar is missing the nitrogen atom.

3. Both derive from common plant sources.

4. Both are powerful chemicals that produce strong physical and emotional effects.

5. Both sugar and cocaine psychological dependence-producing but not addiction.

6. Cocaine is not medically associated with any serious physical illness. Sugar, however, interfere in heart attacks in obesity, diabetes, renal failure, in the cavities, and blindness ... just to name a few.

7. Import refined cocaine to the United States is a federal crime. Refined sugar imports to the United States is a federal crime.

8. An infinitesimal amount of iron present as an impurity can not be described as "useful mineral."

But then why sugar is an excellent source of energy? If so, but not the kind of energy you want. The sale of sugar is a big business, one of the largest businesses in the food industry worldwide. Sales of sugar, only the United States, reach the fifteen billion kilos per year, if sold about forty cents a kilo wholesale price of , this adds sixty billion dollars annually. Not bad. So the sugar industry has a battalion of lobbyists (sorry now called "public relations firms") to convince the public that refined sugar is good for your health. These leading organizations have elegant names like "Seminar for better nutrition", "Council for the use of food" and other names slightly confusing. Publish large ads that tell consumers that sugar is the best source of "energy."


how those ads are written, one would think that sugar provides that vitality, that enthusiasm, that excitement, you know, that ENERGY!
No, the only energy it provides is calories. But it's not their fault that you do not understand it, right? About this tamed tiger, known as the Federal Trade, has given them a slap to the sugar groups, for suggesting that refined sugar is good. The truth is that sugar all it does is gaining weight and, still worse, if you feel tired and lacking in force, a lump Refined sugar is the only thing that will make you more lethargic and will cause a voracious appetite.

How is it possible that sugar makes us feel lethargic?
Easy. The sucrose, or refined white sugar is a combination of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose. There is an enzyme in the intestines known as sucrase that breaks quickly sucrose into glucose and fructose. The bloodstream absorbs the excess glucose and stores it in the liver. Glucose is the fuel of the body and must be a constant amount of it to perform any work, such as muscle function, physical movements, digestion, heartbeat, to the act of thinking. As a result, held a series of complex mechanisms in the body, to maintain the same level. The concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. This concentration is an average of one hundred milligrams of glucose per one hundred milliliters of blood, which amounts to approximately one gram of sugar per liter. If the concentration of sugar in the blood rises to this level, the pancreas begins to release a chemical called insulin to counteract the lower your blood glucose in the blood. If the concentration of glucose in the blood drops too low the liver, where glucose is stored, releases this sugar in the form of a substance called glycogen.
Having this basic mechanism in mind, it is easy to see how refined sugar affects the body. Let's say you've had a very difficult day at the office, and three in the afternoon you feel exhausted, but still two hours to leave. Then you remember the full-page ads that talk about that "sugar is energy." You create and drink a cup of coffee with lots of sugar and perhaps devour two candy bars at the same time. Just overload your body with almost one hundred grams of pure sugar and blood glucose goes up suddenly one hundred and eighty milligrams per cent. yourself has caused a "temporary diabetes," or more delicately expressed a hyperglycemia. You feel weak, tired and totally devoid of energy. If you're lucky, your pancreas to produce insulin begin desperately to counter the sugar overdose and in an hour or so, will start to feel better. 've Probably spent a dollar, you will have extracted their precious insulin your pancreas, and will have seven hundred fifty calories saturated not needed or wanted. Furthermore, the excessive amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas causes you begin to feel an incredible hunger. Do you feel he was misled? Sure.

But how is that sugar has become a big business? It was not always so. At first it was so popular in power as the languages \u200b\u200bof hummingbirds, and much more expensive. In 1300, when was first introduced in Europe from India, half a kilo of sugar would have cost the equivalent of ten thousand dollars. In a large banquet, the king probably sprinkle a few grams of white matter in their rack of lamb. As time passed and production increased, the price began to fall. Huge sugar plantations were established in the West Indies and planted beet in England. In 1850 sugar was cheap and there was plenty to poison the masses. In 1975 refined sugar has become the most common adulterant used in most industry food processing.

Wait. What do you mean by "to poison the masses" and "the most common adulterant? Is not that too strong? If you want the truth, it is not too strong. Originally used as a sugar sweetener agent. But for fifty years has been used to adulterate food. Inquire of the Taber 's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary on page A-26 for the definition of "adulterant": "It is that which corrupts or weakens a substance." In most of the flour for cakes and cookies prepared for more sugar flour. Ice cream and all versions below, including milk shakes , imitation milk shakes , imitation ice cream, frozen desserts, imitation frozen dessert, have one thing in common: They almost always contain more sugar refined than any other ingredient, including that "cream." How so? Because sugar is heavier than common food there. And it's cheap. Prepared meals are sold by weight, it says on the box for one think that if the box comes in the middle, they are deceiving one (is not it?). A cup of flour weighs one hundred grams. One cup of sugar weighs hundred.
It takes about four and a half cups of flour to fill the box of prepared flour and refined sugar house. And then the food industry sells the same product in half price. It is a good profit. Sugar is also used to adulterate the cereal for breakfast.

What makes you think that? The medical dictionary says the cereal is "grams edible." The label on the typical case of "cereal" says "cereal." The label on the side of the box one of the "grains" best sellers, admits that it contains 49.38 percent of " sucrose and other sugars." By definition, "the sucrose and other sugars" are adulterants in the "cereal" box. Ç

Sugar is also used to adulterate bread. The "enriched white bread" sold in the supermarket contains about ten per cent of refined sugar. Its purpose is to make the product more sweet and heavy, because the bread is also sold by weight. It also masks the awful taste of refined flour and various chemicals that add. If the bread is "enriched" with something is to refined sugar. In this how sugar is used to adulterate bread. Sugar is also a prominent ingredient in many other foods that do not have to be. When you make soup at home, you add sugar? Or the mayonnaise? How crackers? What fresh vegetables? Food processors add sugar to all products. Sugar is also a prominent ingredient in each of the following foods semi or ready. Cream peanut (peanuts), baby food, spaghetti sauce, frozen foods, frozen pizza, salad dressings, some instant coffee, gelatin desserts, canned vegetables, tomato juice, sausages and those brightly colored powders used to prepare fruit-flavored beverages for kids.

But sugar is not necessary to sweeten these products? Be yourself the judge. Take a product that most Americans use at least once a day. It has several names: "instant Cream of vegetable origin for coffee," coffee creamers "and many other names. If you do not want to put milk to coffee, puts this polvito . Looks like milk powder, and many people use it instead of sugar or cream. You know, want to eat fewer calories. But that is their first mistake.

Why is it a mistake? See a typical list of ingredients: corn syrup solids, vegetable fat, sodium caseinate, potassium phosphate, mono , silico aluminate sodium sodium triphosphate, beta carotene and riboflavin . This mixture could have left the chemistry set of a child, but that's not what matters to us more now. If you put it in your coffee to reduce your sugar intake for a big surprise, because it's basically sugar. "Corn syrup solids" is a sneaky way of trying to hide the key ingredient of the product is an inexpensive way of dextrose, also known as glucose. (By the way that the "vegetable oil" or "vegetable shortening" of insurance is not nothing but oil coco3). A teaspoon of this product is about half teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon coconut oil. Go! The other chemicals are present to prevent the product becomes brown and gummy, or that in any way betray their common origin "Calories? About twelve per teaspoon, or double that if you put milk. The next time a waitress or hostess will present this product to your coffee, better ask natural milk.
It will be doing yourself a favor. A quick review of the most common food products will show you how easy it is to reach seventy-five kilos of sugar, that most Americans consume each year. I never take refined sugar, and you probably will not take much, as before, when you finish reading this chapter.
Cola drinks provide one hundred percent of their calories from sugar they contain. Sometimes mothers feel guilty and give their children these concentrates Powder for preparing fruit-flavored drinks. That's better, provided only ninety-eight percent of the calories of sugar they contain. Parents who believe in television commercials, when they saw the ad, then changed to orange drinks that come in powder, knows what kind of drink I mean, right? These, reduce sugar intake in children a. .. ninety percent percent of the calories contained. I'll tell you that if you want to reduce sugar intake of their children, to reduce the percentage of calories you receive is better to give them a candy bar for breakfast, rather than one of those drinks. With chocolate bar ingest only about thirty percent of sugar.

If it's any consolation, I do not think it is, but anyway, soon will force the food processing companies to specify exactly what kind of "vegetable fat" you are putting into the food. It will be interesting to see the results.
Unless otherwise specified, this figure, like all the others that relate to "sugar" refers in turn to all forms of refined sugar: sucrose, dextrose, maltose, lactose, etcetera.
would be better to simply give an apple or an orange for real. But have to explain what it is, because there is no announcement on television that say, "This is a real fruit. Do you no harm. "
Already tired of posts like sweet biscuits made with flour and ready? Okay, switch to a popular brand gelatin dessert, light, delicious and fruity. But do not expect to eat less sugar. Mouthful after mouthful you eat twice as much sugar with flavored gelatin. The purpose flour muffin contains about thirty-three percent sugar. I hope you have a pancreas strong! And how did this business of sugar in all products? Well, besides of being cheap and heavy, sugar is a good friend, processors in many other aspects. Masks the taste of inferior ingredients and sometimes, even in a state of decomposition. The luncheon meat probably one could not take in another way, almost knows when sugar is added. Chains of fast food restaurants love sugar. Put it on the lower ground beef in hot dogs, the fried chicken in the hot cakes in the fish cakes and in almost everything. If you have enough sugar (and salt), most fast food preparation know well enough to eat. But the dirtiest trick in regard to sugar, they consumers play the innocent and defenseless of all.

To whom? babies. The giant companies that produce "food" for babies, know two important things concerning the sale of these products. First, they have to make babies eat their products. And that's a problem. The "food" for babies is overcooked, over-processed, is simple and has no taste. Therefore it is very fluffy, thick and awful sight. But the secret ingredient is sugar. A good amount of sugar makes the vegetables, fruits, and everything else preparing for baby, be more acceptable to it and, particularly, for mom. If kids eat this pasta sugar salt impregnated, which passes for "food" for baby, mom is happy. She feeds her baby faster and easier and you have time for endless tasks. But there is also another commercial advantage to add sugar to the "food" for baby, fat. For seventy-five years, tuberculosis was a serious health problem, and one of the obvious symptoms of this disease was a serious lack of weight. At that time, overweight children were free of tuberculosis. Although today the tuberculosis is under control, modern mothers still like fat babies. And pediatricians weigh it on every visit and record your weight on your special register. Children who are fed with "food" and prepared especially for babies, babies are fat and produce fat profits. But what really fat babies are healthy? No. Children are healthy thin. Fat babies are overweight adults. Adults tend to be overweight adults dead. Sugar does not have to be on baby food. And there's only one food in which sugar does more damage than the so-called "food" for baby.

What is it? in infant formulas. There is only a nutritionally adequate food for infants: human milk. Is perfect from all aspects, both the mother and the newborn. Just no profits from the sale of breast milk, and if so, immense, in the sale of imitation milk, known as "infant formulas." They are inexpensive in its production, last indefinitely and are sold at high prices. Fattening babies, we make life easier for the mother and enrich the companies that sell them but not good for babies.

But if they are good for babies How to sell and how much is that pediatricians recommend them? Because pediatricians are not experts in nutrition. They are well-intentioned men and women who work hard in their daily struggle against the disease. Most of them simply do not have the time or background necessary to devote to studying nutrition for babies to grow healthier. In addition, artificial milk vendors will have the advantage. Currently, when a mother leaves the hospital, in the United States, give a big box of free formula, so that the mother give the baby and this was fond of music. One of the largest international companies develops "infant formulas" to hire saleswomen and women dressed as nurses, for the backward traveling on African populations, telling mothers that their milk to sick babies, and their only hope buy formula is artificial. Let
containing these formulas, to judge. The basic ingredient of these "formulas" is skim milk and dried beef. The second ingredient is generally lactose, a type of refined sugar composed of glucose and galactose. The next ingredient in order of quantity is our old friend the oil coco. Ugh! Eat a mixture of skim milk powder, sugar and coconut oil during the day and understand why your baby spits. The rest of the long list of artificial vitamins and minerals present in the mixture in trace quantities. The only reason that babies drink these formulas, it is because they can not get out of the crib and go to the refrigerator to find something decent to eat. And, indeed, the "infant formulas" and "food" for baby that contain sugar overdose predispose children to worse.

What things? to a life of addiction to sugar. Once the taste of sweetened food on end is recorded in the child's palate, it remains there forever. The average American child consumes per year over ten kilos of sweets and candies, almost five hundred bottles of sweetened beverages and two hundred pieces of sweetened chewing gum. Most adults do not eat anything that is not very sweet, from wine, beer and cocktails, to sandwiches, snacks and frozen vegetables. (Yes, beer contains a lot of sugar called maltose). This is bad news for everyone except those who sell sugar. One aspect of this bad news are dental caries. The cost of dental treatments currently in the United States, reach six million dollars. And the rate of decayed growing so fast, that if the dentists in the country working twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, covering decayed, the end of the year would have the same number of teeth waiting to be covered, those who had at the beginning of the year. Looked at another way, in every hundred men who enter the military service in U.S. military dentists teeth capped six hundred, one hundred and twelve are placed forty extractions and false teeth. The main cause of tooth decay, sugar is refined in food.
What makes him so sure?
Just take a look at medical journals and will be as safe as I am. The British Government became one of the dental studies that are considered classics in the islands of Tristan da Cunha, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between Africa and South America. Because of its isolation for so many years, the Islanders remained with fish and potatoes. No refined sugar consumed and dentists Navy official English be periodically reviewed. In 1938 found no decayed first molar on the residents who had less than twenty years, throughout the island. In 1962, Islanders and took half a kilo of sugar per person per week, about a third of which takes an average American. Then, half of the natives had caries.
But that is just one example does not it? Yes, but do you want some more? There are over a hundred studies, nearly equal, conducted in Ghana, South Africa, USA, England, Austria, Sweden, Norway and two dozen other countries. In all cases the results were the same: refined sugar causes tooth decay, very fast.
Do you think it makes sense to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in added to the water, and toothpaste, small amounts of a poisonous chemical, fluoride mouth when saturated with such quantities of sugar, which damage the teeth?
There is a safe and effective solution: stop eating refined sugar. And stop giving children food adulterated with sugar. By the way, what took today at breakfast? Would not one of those sugary cereals, recognized brand nationally, with all that blablabla nutrient on the label? One company that makes one of these cereals says: "We are serious when it comes to nutrition." Its succulent sugar-coated product contains three different sweeteners, according to their calculations, has a 56.45 percent "sucrose and other sugars." We add to this the number that they give "starch and carbohydrates, 31.75 percent and have a grain (?) Consisting of 88.2 percent starch, sugar and refined carbohydrates Serious" when it comes to nutrition? There is also another small problem when ingested as much sugar.

What is it? That can cause a death. There is no doubt that diabetes mellitus, known as "sugar diabetes", is caused by excessive consumption of sugar refined and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates. Let us see what diabetes, to see what role sugar plays in your home. When you eat refined sugar, and it enters the bloodstream, the pancreas produces a chemical called insulin, which regulates the level of blood sugar.
Insulin has immediate effects in reducing sugar in the blood, to protect vital organs, including the brain, from an overdose of sugar. An excessive amount of sugar in the blood can cause a condition known as diabetic coma, which can produce rapid and permanent damage in the brain and then death. An excessive amount of insulin can cause insulin shock, which can also cause brain damage and death. So the poor diabetic all his life, ranging from as diabetic and insulin shock. And even worse, with diabetes and their relatives have to accept reality, no matter how unpleasant it is, if they want to have an opportunity to overcome his illness. Diabetes, for a large number of people who have it, it means a lifetime of astronomical costs of surprises terrible and premature death.

No matter how carefully you control your diet, no matter evidence to take your insulin, diabetics can get a serious infection from the slightest scratch, or you may start suffering gangrene in fingers and toes as well as in other parts of the body, without warning, having to suffer its amputation. Is extremely vulnerable to high blood pressure, there is a vastly higher rate of heart attacks among diabetics and also the possibility that they are partially or totally blind. The renal failure is another serious threat faced by diabetics. Many diabetics can expect male sexual impotence total and permanent, which is still not curable, nor is there any treatment for it. To tuberculosis occurs twice among diabetics than among those who are not. And the "modern" medicine has nothing to offer to diabetic recipe for a syringe, a needle and a vial of insulin. The doctor prescribes a diet, any normal person could go on, and given another appointment for the following month. This treatment is the fabulously enriched the few laboratories that produce insulin and at the same time, has become addicted to insulin to diabetics twelve million are estimated to be U.S..

But at least help insulin diabetic live more?

Maybe, in individual cases. But statistics do not support that. In 1900, according to reports of British companies life insurance, diabetes ranks twenty-seventh place, cause of death. Insulin was first produced commercially in 1922. In 1950, diabetes ranked third as a cause of death. Is this should, perhaps, other diseases began to control more, and diabetes continued to claim lives? Not very likely, because in 1900 the death rate from diabetes in the United States was 12.2 per 100000 population. In 1971, almost three quarters of a century of "progress" later, the death rate from diabetes was 18.5 per 100000 population. Despite treatment "modern" for diabetes, although insulin, the death rate from diabetes has increased by fifty-two percent in the last seventy years!.

But even survive a long time diabetic, the disease is very expensive. The average diabetic spends at least ten dollars a month on insulin, needles and syringes. A monthly visit to the doctor, along with laboratory tests, it costs a minimum of thirty dollars a month. To have an overdose of insulin, or deficiencies of this year, the hospital will cost another thousand dollars. Therefore, if diabetics in North America spend only half that amount, or about seven hundred fifty dollars a year, the sum reaches the amount of nine billion dollars annually.

have been developed oral antidiabetic drugs, but have not been very effective, and have been hastily withdrawn from the market one or two of them. But there is a way to improve the health of diabetics that does not cost a penny and that, in fact, it can help to overcome his illness too. What is it? Well, first we understand that diabetes is not simply a deficiency of insulin. In fact the diabetic insulin tends to have more than one would expect. Diabetes is the result of exhaustion of the pancreas due to a constant overdose of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates. There are many proofs of this that is amazing that you were overlooked for so long. The result that follows is scientific evidence, incontrovertible, establishing diabetes as a result of pancreatic exhaustion due to excessive consumption of sugar (and carbs).

a) diabetes is almost unknown in non-industrialized countries (incorrectly called "primitive"), which consume almost no sugar and refined carbohydrates.

b) As soon as the populations of these countries begin to consume sugar and refined carbohydrates, diabetes begins to take rise. There is usually a period of twenty years from the beginning of the consumption of refined sugar, to the incidence of large-scale epidemics of diabetes.

c) As a corollary to item number 2, the latent period in the average individual, it is also twenty years beginning with the heavy consumption of sugar in childhood.

has misused the belief that diabetes is a hereditary component, to insist that the amount of refined sugar that is ingested, it has nothing to do with the disease. That's not true. Listen to what reference books say is accepted as The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment:
"Although it has long recognized the existence of a genetic component to diabetes, how it can inherit not yet been defined. Epidemiological data are more inclined towards an autosomal recessive pattern, although it is not excluded a multifactorial inheritance pattern. "
Ugh! It is reassuring. In fact, I put my best translators to work on this show and this is how it was in accessible language: "Doctors have noticed that the trend toward diabetes is repeated within the same family, but do not know exactly how this happens. After reviewing and studying many diabetics recessive genes seem to have something to do, but nobody really knows what happens. "
Okay, back to reality. If parents use lots of sugar, the child sits at the table with them also consumed in large quantities. Everyone has a different body, and pancreas differently, so some people can absorb more sugar than others. But if Mom and Dad give your baby milk formula that contains more than half the sugar and raise him with "food" for babies is already prepared, the chances of that child having diabetes when they grow up are greater. And if later he is still taking "grain", which we have already spoken, which contains 56.45 percent sugar, what awaits the poor child? Have carried out thorough scientific studies and responsible, which have traced the origins of diabetes in races that ever were completely free of the disease, and has reached the point where its consumption of refined sugar began to rise. These studies include the following nations: Iceland, Israel, South Africa, India, , Trinidad, the Inuits of Canada, Greenland Eskimos, Bangladesh, the Cherokee Indians, Yemen, New Guinea, Polynesia, and dozens more.

In each case the results were identical: diabetes virtually zero until the group began to consume refined sugar in large quantities, thirty and fifty kilos per year, or slightly less than what Americans consume. An experiment was opposed to it out First and Second World Wars. It was very difficult to obtain in those times, refined sugar and refined carbohydrates, and therefore the rate of incidence and mortality rates of diabetes, decreased impressively. If diabetes is a hereditary disease caused by lack of insulin, how is it possible that simply shunning sugar and refined carbohydrates, diabetes cure is supposed comes from the grandparents?

This white crystalline powder, called sugar has caused more suffering and death in the human race that the white crystalline powder called cocaine. If you sell a kilo of cocaine, it becomes criminal and must pay a penalty of twenty years imprisonment. If you sell a kilo of sugar is converted to a shopkeeper and two weeks is going to Miami for the winter.

In 1949 appeared a strange article in a British medical journal, which suggested that the cause of diabetes was an excessive amount of fat in the diet. The author to his reasoning on the grounds that during the wars also were hard to get fat, while carbohydrates yet abundant in food. The overlooked one vital fact: the only carbohydrate that could be obtained during the wars were not refined carbohydrate high fiber, which do not produce diabetes. But do not tell us he was going to tell you how to prevent diabetes and how to improve the health of diabetics? Sure. But first let me make an important clarification of this book does not attempt to give advice or suggest treatments.
Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that requires constant supervision of a qualified physician experienced in treating this disease. (In addition to the importance of this clarification, the editorial stressed that made to prevent any crazy la demande. I think this encourages foolish to sue, because the statutory language stimulates reflexes anywhere, even in a book on nutrition).
Well, now we return to our subject. First, to save their children from diabetes go to your kitchen pantry and pull anything that contains refined sugar. Read labels and if any of these words dispose of the container and contents, sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, lactose, galactose, molasses, corn syrup, corn sugar, invert sugar, dextrose, and anything else suggesting refined sugar. Get rid of the mayonnaise, ketchup, all soft drinks, of all breakfast cereals containing sugar, all "pays" commercial, cakes, candy, cookies, snacks and commercial gelatin desserts, and all that is hidden source of refined sugar. Tire
all imitation white bread, unless the seller can certify that no sugar of any kind. (Good luck!). In short, your home is as free as possible of refined sugar. At the end of this chapter as the type of sweeteners that can be used without risk. Then follow the same procedure with respect to all types of refined carbohydrates. Get rid of anything that contains refined white flour. Rice Tire white, white flour and refined flour pasta, even yellow. Also, white noodles and macaroni, and any of the fifty varieties of pasta, which may have at home. You can view the chapter on carbohydrates for details.
But is not that wasting food?
If you do not do that, "food" is going to waste you. Speaking honestly and objectively, you are just pulling counterfeit foods that have been adulterated with substances that are not good for your body. I know it's tempting to give that to the poor but does not, unless you have something against them. Above all, it is not in the dog. By a why waste are you throwing refined, probably does not meet the requirements that the Department of Agriculture United States provides for animal feed. And you can get into trouble. And the other reason being that the dogs are yours probably eat it, and you do not want sick right?. After you have restored reason and sanity in your kitchen, set a high fiber diet for your family

Do you have evidence that this diet helps prevent diabetes?

Well, definitely not cause diabetes. And, based on overwhelming scientific evidence, is the single most effective measure that can one take to protect yourself and your family against this terrible disease. Of course, already offer artificial pancreas to ten thousand dollars, plus installation and maintenance, but that's not the solution. If you already have diabetes, tell your doctor to examine the important new techniques of treatment for diabetes, along with a diet high in carbohydrates and high fiber. In fact, one is to give the diabetic a normal diet consisting of unrefined carbohydrates and fiber. On this diet, not consuming sugar, which is more than you can say diets Diabetic official. Do you mean that current diets for diabetics contain sugar? Yes, and lots. The American Diabetes Association provides a variety of diets, 7 almost all the nation's physicians who treat diabetes use. If you are diabetic, your doctor will probably give you a diet of two thousand two hundred calories, allowing you to take ten servings a day of the following dishes: ice cream, cakes, white bread (ten percent sugar remember?), Cookies graham and corn bread.
All these foods are high in refined sugar. These same articles contain a wealth of refined carbohydrates, including also all kinds crackers, macaroni, pasta, noodles, "cereal" for breakfast and mashed potatoes.

Some of the latter foods also contain a good dose of sugar. In addition, the famous diet for diabetics can take eight servings a day of mayonnaise or French dressing for salads, all refined sugar containing more than a diabetic should take. But that's not all. The same diet includes eight daily servings of foods such as salami, sausages, ham and hot dogs, all with a high content of refined sugar. One may end up with cream peanut, which usually has a lot of the white crystalline powder, which can mean death for the diabetic.

But then why does not reverse insulin that sugar? No. Insulin simply prevents the sugar from the diet, does not accumulate in the bloodstream causing him immediate death of the person. Any diet that provides excessive quantities of refined sugar to a diabetic's body concerned, you no good.

Another better approach would eliminate all refined sugar from your diet, as well as all carbohydrates. In this way the lack of insulin the pancreas can still produce damage, is sufficient to absorb the sugar, without the need for bottled insulin injection, extracted from the pancreases of dead animals.
diabetes treatment of diabetes, is based on the fact that the diabetic can produce up to sixty percent of the insulin it needs. If you are unrefined carbohydrates can damage your pancreas do its job fairly well. But if you are overwhelmed with ice cream, cake and crackers have no chance. It's like asking someone to move two hundred and fifty kilos from one place to another in the room. If you try to do at once can tear a muscle, raise your blood pressure, to cause a hernia and maybe even a heart attack. But if you move twelve kilos each time, no effort. Many diabetics can to assimilate refined carbohydrates in reasonable quantities, if you also consume generous amounts of fiber. In some experiments a high fiber diet of refined carbohydrates has led to some diabetics off insulin completely, and others, greatly reduce the amount required of it.

I. Diabetes is a common disease whose incidence is increasing in countries industrialized, it is directly related to the consumption of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates.

II. Diabetes is a disease virtually unknown in societies that do not eat refined sugar or refined carbohydrates.

III. Persons belonging to these companies that start eating large amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates are also beginning to suffer from diabetes. d. Insulin is not a cure for diabetes. Insulin is not even an effective treatment for diabetes. Insulin given to diabetics and doctors, the dangerous illusion that they can take sugar and refined carbohydrates, without harming themselves.

IV. Tests have shown that high fiber diets free of refined sugars or refined carbohydrates, may reduce or eliminate the need for insulin in diabetics.

V. The best way to prevent diabetes is to follow the example of so-called primitive societies, and most comprehensive effort to eliminate refined sugar and refined carbohydrates in the diet, especially in the diet of children.

VI. The most amazing achievement of treatment "modern" for diabetes, is that the death rate has increased by fifty-two percent in the last seventy years! But there is something worse than this. In 1900 there were no antibiotics, no modern hospitals. There was no urine test for sugar, there was no medical computers of millions of dollars and had no super-specialists in diabetes. Generally, a simple scratch, or an ingrown toe, were reason enough to send a diabetic to the grave. Today we all, including insulin, and killed more than fifty percent of diabetics, who at the beginning of the century. Could be perhaps biscuits and crackers? Or could it be insulin?.

VII. Behind the mortality rate as astronomically high for diabetes, are figures even more impressive, since the majority of diabetics die from heart attacks, kidney failure and heart attacks, caused by the disease.

But Refined sugar does not have at least some nutritional value?

Here are the numbers and proportions directly from the files of the Department of Agriculture United States. The comparison is made between an ounce of refined granulated sugar and one ounce of molasses, cane syrup, loaf, brown sugar, brown sugar or molasses. Molasses is used, because sugar or unrefined brown sugar, mistakenly called "raw sugar" is considered contraband in the U.S.. But really, brown sugar has more nutritional value than molasses. Consider the table attached below.

Minerals Refined Sugar Cane Honey:


Minerals: Calcium
zero Phosphorus zero zero Hierro; Potassium 0.85: Sodium 0.28.

Vitamins: Thiamin zero zero Riboflavin, Niacin zero.


Minerals: Calcium
195 mg. Phosphorus 24 mg.; Iron 4.6; Potassium 836 mgrs.; Sodium 27 mgrs

Vitamins: Thiamin 0.3, Riboflavin 0.5 Niacin 57 mg.

There you have it, folks. When you eat sugar are not eating anything.

Do not be fooled by the values \u200b\u200bof sodium and potassium. Are the most common chemicals on earth, are found throughout. Until this paper has more sodium and potassium than half kilo of refined sugar. But the brown sugar does not seem to have much in regard to nutrients is not it?
What we have, because nature has it put in it, and you can be sure that other elements are present nutrients that have yet to discover our puny attempts of scientific research. And do not despise this half milligram of pure natural niacin in each one ounce, or those one hundred ninety-five milligrams of organic calcium, or those twenty-four milligrams of phosphorus, or those 4.6 milligrams of iron. You get all this for nothing, aids in digestion of sweetener and is more than what you get for that garbage that is refined sugar.

Why you can not get brown sugar in the U.S.?

Because brown sugar would be sold at a lower price than white sugar, with the appearance of cocaine, and that's not good for the economy. In the textbooks on nutrition, is a frightening statement, that sugar hangover is "dirty", which is full of dirt and insects and other horrible things. Of course, this is the way in which the sugar companies and the carrying handle. Could clean them and then sell it. The brown sugar sold in two hundred countries around the world, and people eating is healthier than the children here. But there is another quirk in the law American, while brown sugar can not be sold, no refined sugar can be imported. This is because the imported refined sugar is cheaper, the U.S. refined sugar, sugar and U.S. engineers, like utilities. In late 1977, they were not bad, two of the largest sugar mills in the U.S., reached the two hundred and fifty percent and 1120 percent. 10 10. Amstar and Great Western United.
If refined sugar is so bad, why not enrich it? Mmmmmm. I understand. How white flour is "enriched." Or white rice "enriched"? First spend millions of dollars a year to remove all traces of sugar nutritional value, and then spend millions of dollars more to add some vitamins lower. Put into the label "enriched" and recover all the money, or more than they pay poor mothers and poor parents, who want their kids grow up healthy and strong. In the decade of the sixties, made a feeble attempt to enrich the sugar. A little sugar company was added iodine, iron, some B vitamins and some vitamin A. But that safeguard the health of our nation, Directorate of Food and Drugs act quickly. Sugar seized, said he was falsely labeled and brought to justice those who had "enriched" 11 Sugar "rich" off the market quickly. But in the meantime, there is always another new source of sugar to be discovered. If you smoke, you infer a lot of sugar in the snuff, but does not say on the label (diabetics, take note). Most cigarettes contain five per cent sugar, cigars contain twenty percent and snuff pipe can have up to forty percent of sweeteners. Instead of smoking snuff, why not sprinkle on the cereal in the morning? (Answer: because it probably already has too much sugar cereal).

The accusation of "counterfeit mark" is a specialty of the Directorate Food and Drug Administration. According to information I received, in a nutrition store had several copies of my book The Save-Your-Life Diet on one of the shelves and less than six meters was an announcement of bran. Address The Food and Drug Administration claimed that my book was "brand spoofing" bran, or bran was "brand spoofing" of my book, can not remember. It seems that six meters away form the magical and the foot that chaperones insisted that the dancers had to leave each other. I do not know if my books or burned burned bran, but if you wanted a free copy, all you had to do was ask me. Ah yes, I suppose that if this book goes on sale at six meters of any food product will address another fire. Mmmmm.

Well, if sugar is so horrible what about artificial sweeteners? cyclamates How? Good luck. In a fit of sanity the U.S. Congress developed a measure called "Amendment to food additives, which contains a single sentence that should save millions of lives. It's called the "Delaney Clause" and states: "No additive is considered safe if it is to induce cancer when humans or animals if ingested or if found, after appropriate tests for safety assessment of food additives, to induce cancer in men or animals. " Major food companies have launched a massive campaign against the Delaney Clause , because they like to put things in food that cause cancer. But "This is not an irresponsible statement?
No. diethylstilbestrol causes cancer in humans and laboratory animals. The red number 2 causes cancer in test animals. Cyclamates cause cancer in laboratory animals. Among these lesser known food additives also include:

calamus oil (flavoring): bowel cancer.
Safrole (a flavoring agent): liver cancer.
Thiourea (a preservative): liver cancer.
The diethylpyrocarbonate (a preservative for drinks): cancer.

All these additives were present in foods in dangerous quantities, all cause cancer. Some of them eventually, and not added to food, but only after a great battle against food processors and sellers against them. There are nearly five thousand exotic chemicals are added to foods today, and many of them are suspected to be possible because the consumer end of his days in a cancer hospital. Now that we have eliminated cyclamate, although processed foods are still fighting for reuse, the main U.S. artificial sweetener is saccharin. In 1879, Ira Remsen and Constantin Fahlberg discovered saccharin. comes from coal tar, a sticky black substance, rubbery which is derived from coal. (Incidentally, these artificial dyes also cause cancer from coal tar). In 1907, under the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt, was established Board of Inspection of Food and Drugs (the forerunner of the Department Food and Drug Administration). Dr. Harvey Wiley was the first director, and his first official act was to prohibit the use of saccharin in food, as a hazardous chemical. If banned, how is that my diet drink is saccharine?

stubborn Thanks to Teddy Roosevelt, who, when he learned that saccharin was prohibited, was furious, because being a bit chubby, he liked to use in your coffee. As appointed a committee to re-evaluate the risk of saccharin. And guess who was on the committee. A small man named Ira. Remsen, the father of saccharin. Of course, one could predict that the commission would decide that there was no danger in the use of saccharin, and so is everything. But probably not in all for much longer, because in Canada, where apparently people do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bdying of cancer, reviewed medical records of people using saccharin. After studying a group of four hundred eighty men, the researchers concluded that consumers of saccharin was one hundred seventy percent more likely to develop cancer than those who do not consume. That seems to be what is Delaney Clause, is not it? Anyway, I do not use saccharin. I do not give my family and I tell everyone not to use appreciation. You be formed in its sole discretion. So what kind of sweetener is good and safe?
This is not a difficult question to answer based on what we already know. The only type of sweetener that The human body is adapted, based on their thousands of years of chemical and physiological adaptation is the natural sweetener, unrefined. The ideal way to satisfy your sweet tooth's chewing sugar cane or beet (fruit). The muscles in his jaw will have exhausted much before the body fattening or ill, and the juice of sugar cane or beet sugar, which is extracted in this way can not do any damage (those who cut sugar cane around the world, chewing cane while working and never suffer from diseases caused by sugar, such as those with those consuming refined sugar). But if you do not live near a forest, molasses (honey cane or molasses, brown sugar or brown sugar) is the closest product that was available and that is hardly refined. Can not get sugar hangover, unless you want to smuggle across the border. What is generally sold as raw sugar is refined white sugar to which molasses is added. Forget it. Also the brown sugar and all other copies. Honey is an excellent sweetener, if not pure and refined. A favorite trick is to add honey producing refined sugar and honey water. That's not good. But the unadulterated honey without boiling, is an excellent sweetener. However, that does not mean replacing the seventy-five kilos of honey. The idea is to remove as much dietary sugar and sweeteners should be used according to its original purpose, in very small amounts such as spices and flavorings.

But really I have to stop taking refined sugar?

Only if you help yourself to avoid some of the following diseases: diabetes, obesity, heart attacks, dental caries, oral and vaginal infections, chronic urinary tract infections and blindness. Let's see
as follows: if a company food processor used a food additive that would be dangerous only in the tenth it is refined sugar, the Directorate Food and Drug Administration banned it in less than twenty four hours.

Think about it.


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