Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome To Salon Letter

The food catastrophe


In early 2001 a representative survey showed that approximately 2.5 million Germans had become vegetarians. The reasons are obvious. The epidemic of BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (known as mad cow disease) is just the first highlight of a wider scandal involving foodstuffs, who has stopped eating beef, he now realizes that no can still eat pork, because There are entire herds that have been drugged with antibiotics. German prosecutors have made many inquiries from veterinarians and farmers.

Some experts believe that antibiotics in our foods are equally or more dangerous than BSE prions. And who wants "change train" now eating fish flesh learns the results of a recent European Union study that fish in the North Sea and Baltic States are contaminated with dioxin, which is not surprising known following the poisoning of the seas. "So then it is better to use homemade carp and trout?. It would be great, but only if they were not fed with their counterparts in the North Sea and Baltic have been produced and processed into fishmeal. So will leaving only poultry. But neither of these recently excludes Federal Health Office in Germany the risk of transmitting BSE, even in the case of sheep and pigs. So is closing the vicious circle.

For years it has systematically hidden the fact that consumers are being subjected to a great experiment with foods that have many risk factors, pesticides and poisons of fungi in the variety of molds in the jam Baby, worms in fish, dioxin in hens, hormones in addition to BSE turbocorderos now everywhere. However, the deception, and expose consumers to many hazards continues with great activity.

Who even knows that about 75% of all food products in Germany pass through "process refinement" industrial?. For breakfast eggs have the proper yellow, mix the food of the hens with the corresponding dye. The pink color of salmon at sea is the result of food chemistry. The soups have nothing to do with a real soup, but are the result of a complicated technology. The pasta dough is yeast-based foam for spaghetti can be prepared more quickly. The aroma of peach yogurt is made of fungi and bacteria. Often waste products are used as basic material in the food industry, so for example the so-called albumin cake, which is in abundance in the production of chicken meat, and after being treated with sodium hydroxide just as a supplier of nutritional values \u200b\u200bin canned soups, or the leftovers from the preparation of the soybeans, which are mixed in the bread and vegetable fiber. A very typical culinary specialty is the seafood cocktail, which was stirred up, crushed and the remains of flavoring fishing, press in the form of squid or shrimp. Not only animal feeders have become the "dustbin of welfare society" (as Hubert Weiger of the Alliance for the Protection of Nature, Bund Naturschutz, Germany), but so are the plates of food while the men.


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