Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Cola range Heliotropium curassavicum
The generic name derives from the Greek Heliotropium helios, sun and climb, turn / twist , referring to its flowers that, when opened, follow a similar path by the sun. The epithet curassavicum refers to the island of
Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) is located in the southern Caribbean Sea, about 50 km to the west coast of Venezuela.
Family: Boragianáceas
Origin: Tropical regions of America. It extends from the southern United States to Agentina
Other names: Alacranillo of sea salt heliotrope, Calculus, Cola de mico.

perennial herb that grows in waterlogged and saline sites , of prostrate stems, leaves simple, linear, apex rounded and entire margins, glabrous ( gray-green).
Inflorescences axillary and terminal scorpioid tops, flowers arranged rolled on the branches, smaller towards the end, they look like the tail of a scorpion derive more of their common names .
are white with yellow center and become purplish to wilt.

"curassavicum Heliotropium L. (tail end): In folk medicine, the infusion of the leaves and flowering units are taken to combat liver pain . Some species are cultivated Heliotropium and Myosotis as ornamentals. " (Asteridae, Lamiales -Boraginaceae , Botany II Reference Guide. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Surveying (UNNE)

Heliotrope In Greek mythology - the flower always turned to the sun - is linked to Apollo's passion for oriental princess named Leucothea, ORCAM daughter, the seventh legendary king of Persia, and sister of Clytie.

One day Apollo took the form of Eurynome, mother of Leucothea, and introduced into the room where the young princess possessed sexually. The next day the young mind what happened to her sister and asked Clytie secrecy because the father was extremely jealous of their daughters. But Clytie, upset because Apollo had preferred her sister before her, that if he wished the complaint to his formidable father.
ORCAM Leucothea was ordered locked forever in a cave in the depths of the earth, whose exit was sealed with a huge stone. Apollo Legend
tried to free her but in vain, because Venus would not allow it. The only concession he made was to allow Apollo Aphrodite became a Leucothea in incense, for the unfortunate princess was always present in religious ceremonies and in the environment that flavored romantic couples making love. Clytie
Apollo cursed for his treason and condemned to toil forever in life, so it was that Clytie retired to live in the desert where, lying on the sand during the day followed the course of the sun in the sky at night anxiously awaited the dawn to come back to continue with an eye to the sun unattainable.

Clytie remained in that painful situation until Zeus took pity on her and turned it into a flower that always had to watch the sun, heliotrope and sunflowers they called some others. Links

Heliotropium in Wikipedia


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