Friday, February 25, 2011

Pancreatitis And Cholesterol

Sacha bean

Sacha bean Capparis Capparis retusa
of Kapparis Gr., Lat. Caapparis , "the caper plant or its fruit," a word apparently of Persian or Arabic (Ar. Kabar / Kabba ).
retusa, of Lat. retusus: dull, Adj. Applied to lamellar bodies, leaves, petals, etc. apex truncate and slightly notched at times with an apiculate at the center, as in the leaflets of the vein or the carob., etc (Handbook of Medicinal Plants, National Agrarian University)

Origin: Native
Family: Capparáceas
Other Names: Indian Cumandá; Language Cumandá; Guaicurú Beans, Beans the mountain, Sacha caper; Caper of Jamaica, Azucena del monte (Lillo) Bean; Tegueqaic (Toba). Chaguanco

was a name given to the aborigines by the Creoles.
The chacrero beans, formerly called "Cumanda" or "chaguanco" (family agriculture, the mainstay of the Guarani culture, Diario La Nación, Edit. 25/09/2006)

of dense branching shrub, leaves simple, alternate, dark green, elliptical, large, entire margins, midrib prominent on the lower side, glabrous on the upper, lepidote on the underside
(covered trichome-scales), some leaves have recess in the end, pulvinules in petioles. Branches
fine lenticels, bark smooth, green, spineless.
fruit is a capsule (similar to a pod with chokes well marked), open only at maturity exposing the seeds, which tend to germinate in the ground, they are looking
like beans, are involved in a goo
Properties: Food (seeds), fodder (leaves and fruits ) and Medicine (trunks and roots to combat smallpox, its root is slightly poisonous, is abortion) Park (Chaco, Chaco Subregion Semi-arid, Non-Wood Forest Products, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development,

Properties: Food, Forage and Medicinal ( ORTIZ, RAFAEL, FAO CONSULTANT: IX. STATUS OF INFORMATION ON NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS , pag. 179, country case studies. Vol. 14, Organization United Nations Food and Agriculture, Document Repository FAO)

"Beans on the Mount: A tree that we know as" anyuk "bean of the mountain. The way to prepare the fruit so: you have to cook changing the water until you feel the bitter taste and can be eaten fresh. When the seeds are mature the women together in a bowl with water and shake. The juice that comes from the seeds is like milk has lots of flavor and fat. When you take every day is getting fatter, much food. This is the way to prepare the beans from the mountain, is a very good food. " ( Fruits of Monte that are food for wichi , indigenous communities in Argentina: The Wichí Rumichajara, Digital Bulletin No. 4, Tucumán, Argentina)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Does Sentinel Safenet Work


Cola range Heliotropium curassavicum
The generic name derives from the Greek Heliotropium helios, sun and climb, turn / twist , referring to its flowers that, when opened, follow a similar path by the sun. The epithet curassavicum refers to the island of
Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) is located in the southern Caribbean Sea, about 50 km to the west coast of Venezuela.
Family: Boragianáceas
Origin: Tropical regions of America. It extends from the southern United States to Agentina
Other names: Alacranillo of sea salt heliotrope, Calculus, Cola de mico.

perennial herb that grows in waterlogged and saline sites , of prostrate stems, leaves simple, linear, apex rounded and entire margins, glabrous ( gray-green).
Inflorescences axillary and terminal scorpioid tops, flowers arranged rolled on the branches, smaller towards the end, they look like the tail of a scorpion derive more of their common names .
are white with yellow center and become purplish to wilt.

"curassavicum Heliotropium L. (tail end): In folk medicine, the infusion of the leaves and flowering units are taken to combat liver pain . Some species are cultivated Heliotropium and Myosotis as ornamentals. " (Asteridae, Lamiales -Boraginaceae , Botany II Reference Guide. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Surveying (UNNE)

Heliotrope In Greek mythology - the flower always turned to the sun - is linked to Apollo's passion for oriental princess named Leucothea, ORCAM daughter, the seventh legendary king of Persia, and sister of Clytie.

One day Apollo took the form of Eurynome, mother of Leucothea, and introduced into the room where the young princess possessed sexually. The next day the young mind what happened to her sister and asked Clytie secrecy because the father was extremely jealous of their daughters. But Clytie, upset because Apollo had preferred her sister before her, that if he wished the complaint to his formidable father.
ORCAM Leucothea was ordered locked forever in a cave in the depths of the earth, whose exit was sealed with a huge stone. Apollo Legend
tried to free her but in vain, because Venus would not allow it. The only concession he made was to allow Apollo Aphrodite became a Leucothea in incense, for the unfortunate princess was always present in religious ceremonies and in the environment that flavored romantic couples making love. Clytie
Apollo cursed for his treason and condemned to toil forever in life, so it was that Clytie retired to live in the desert where, lying on the sand during the day followed the course of the sun in the sky at night anxiously awaited the dawn to come back to continue with an eye to the sun unattainable.

Clytie remained in that painful situation until Zeus took pity on her and turned it into a flower that always had to watch the sun, heliotrope and sunflowers they called some others. Links

Heliotropium in Wikipedia


Annette Bening, uncrowned Queen

is one of the greatest actresses of her generation, and mother - but did not win an Oscar, a star of children are well, the best 2010. Miguel Cane

In Hollywood, Annette Bening (Topeka, Kansas, 1958) is a figure of respect. Its versatile histrionic work has left its mark, as well as immoral Marquise de Merteuil (in Valmont, alongside Colin Firth), the devoted wife of an amnesiac (in Regarding Henry), the mistress of a mobster in Bugsy, a neurotic housewife in American Beauty or as a psychic who tries to solve the murder of his daughter - in Dreams of a murderer, by Neil Jordan. She has been nominated for an Oscar four times, but not yet won ever, this does not daunted, he combines his life as a parent - is also famous as the woman who tamed Warren Beatty and made him settle down - and his involvement in films selected as Children are well of Lisa Cholodenko, which was nominated for an Oscar and has received excellent reviews.

're very selective with your movies. What do you think it should?
Well, when I go to the movies or the theater, when I sit down to read a book, I get excited. This is what I think we all hope to achieve. I want people to have that time, as a body experience you wraps. I love this movie so .. We work with intimacy, in a strange way, especially cinema. We engage with the lives of some people the way that only cinema can achieve. When I imagine a movie, when I read a script, I forget everything, I forget the camera, although there are ten or twenty people in the same room. And that's what I'm trying to accomplish with the public. That's what I do, something very personal.

Julianne Moore and you embody a partner who leads an unconventional family. How to set up their dynamic?
Working with Julianne is wonderful. It is deeply rewarding. Also it is working with Lisa Cholodenko. She chose us because we are mothers, so we took a lot from our experience as mothers - trying to guide our children on the best path, listen, laugh, scold, to gain their trust ... - To create these characters were not being caricatures or stereotypes. It was very nourishing for me to look out those possibilities. And very funny! Above all, because I felt very confident. I get very nervous when rolling. The first day of shooting I'm a nervous wreck.

Really you get nervous? You do not notice anything.
Why did not you get the picture?! I always feel insecure at work. When I started in the first film I did with Mike Nichols, I became too nervous and Harrison Ford was the big star. By then, I had made other films, but still felt a beginner. And as time passes, I still feel the same, because with acting in movies does not matter that I know what I have to do, no matter be ready. I always try to surprise, try to find the unexpected. And here come the nerves, but you learn to live well. Always forward. I had worked with Milos Forman on Valmont , and he taught me about the style of acting. For when he Scammers , I had moments where I learned to love the camera. Especially now that I'm still doing theater. I appreciate the camera is there at hand, without having to work for me to listen, because the attention comes to me. It's as if I had to ask her, instead of searching.

Other times you have spoken out against the botox and plastic surgery. Do you think that an actress should grow old gracefully rather than seeking to preserve its appeal?
Everyone owns your face and you can do with it what he wants. Personally I'm not going through life with a mask. That's not me. Have you seen those pictures in which change appearance? Everything is subjective! If you base your work on an image, you're subject to it. I do not. I just wanted to be an actress. I never imagined I could be a movie star, was not so coveted. Everything came as a surprise. I did not do any films until I was almost 30 years. Now I have fifty-three I do not care to note the age that I have. I like how I look.

fame change over time. Do you think Hollywood stars of the past now survive the onslaught of the paparazzi?
do not know. I guess they had another temple. He also faced his own with the tabloids, it is always very hard. You see, when we first started dating my husband or when I was pregnant, the paparazzi were chasing us. Photographers sometimes become incredibly intrusive. It is now easier, because we do not pursue both, and now I know when I will take a picture, I ask permission, and you smile. They are respectful of my children and I appreciate that. Therefore, it is not so traumatic. But it must be a nightmare for those who are fashionable and pursue all the time. I do not envy.

Would you say you turned all the goals that you set when you were a girl from Kansas?
I feel I have much luck - he laughs --. Really, I just wanted to be actress, nothing more. And I could do right away, when I first started. My dream was to climb up on stage. The only actress who idolized was Julie Andrews, because he had seen in The Sound of Music. And I was not going to the movies too. I'd love the theater to see a Shakespeare play. For a long time, I felt it was a stage actress who claimed to be a movie star. I was not comfortable in a studio. It sounded strange to be so close to the camera, speaking so slowly. And now I love, I love working in front of a camera. My sister (the legendary Shirley MacLaine) has a staff that I like very much: "at the end, this is a profession always very hard, but the satisfaction it gives you time to time, is so large that it makes up for everything "And I believe .

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Bikini Wax Unscensored

127 Hours / 127 Hours, Danny Boyle

Desperate Hours

Miguel Cane

course, for anyone Aron Ralston's story is shocking and almost unbelievable. In 2003 he was doing rappel by a remote spot in Utah when his right arm was trapped under a huge block of stone. He was there for almost five days. Until I realized that the place where it was not rescued and took a brutal decision to try to save his life.

As we see behind the argument is presented with a simple story, and that also if one is already know the ending. So Danny Boyle, who makes it averse to any challenge, made a task of creative license and has rarely been seen. What some would just for a short film, Boyle extends it - maybe too much in the crucial scenes that are heartbreaking visual violence. That, as always, is to consumer tastes. So these is a film you love or hate.

course, who carries the weight of all is James Franco, I finally just gave the lug and a superb work done to show the hours of suffering endured Aron Ralston to be rescued. 127 hours of despair, from cold and hunger, crying for help and making it impossible to get out of there alive. Despite the small size of the stage, Boyle keeps his usual dynamic when shooting. Juggling with the camera are constant in the course of the film, pulling also several aces up his sleeve for the development of history is not dull or heavy make quite the opposite, highly entertaining and visually be very nimble.


is constantly changing the angle of the camera to observe the scene from different perspectives surrounding environment Ralston, of the small and uncomfortable, which is the space that is locked, what are cumbersome and suffocating few meters which provides for mobility. You can compare this movie with English Buried / Buried / Gone , Rodrigo Cortés. The truth is that both managers use the mechanisms at their disposal, given the limited stage and the loneliness of the protagonist. Boyle does not need to explain too many details to come not only in skin but also Ralston in his head, plasma display their thoughts and feelings (When he is thirsty, for example) that are shaking the viewer.

But Boyle makes 127 hours in an energetic and hopeful story about human nature and life itself. Despite the terrible situation that lived Ralston, he never stopped doing what he liked and even returned to the canyon where he spent those desperate hours. Fate put a stone on his way and stumbled but got up again.

Horas/127 127 Hours
with James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Lizzy Caplan and Clemence Poesy. Danny Boyle directs

United States-Britain-Germany-France 2010

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Calculate Cfm Kitchen

The Oscars 2011: Kings, Swans, Cowboys and Geeks

The 83 th installment of the Academy Awards has something for everyone

Miguel Cane

After several years - since Billy Crystal left serving as master of ceremonies - the Ceremony of the Oscars, the most glamorous Hollywood party par excellence, had failed to raise its head, if you remember last year's ceremony with Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, you know that it was of an act rather boring, not very bright. For this reason, and also bearing in mind that market capture is the young, the show's producers, Bruce Cohen and Don Mischer, ensured that this year's gala had a completely new and dynamic appearance, calling as major drivers of two actors whose names provoked surprise in the middle: the beautiful Anne Hathaway - nominated in 2009 for his devastating performance in Rachel's Wedding - and James Franco, who is nominated for 127 hours of Danny Boyle.

The Academy wants to rejuvenate
call The idea behind these two is a clear sign of a - possibly desperate, as reported by some media The Hollywood Reporter - desire to bring this ceremony in its transmission via satellite to various international chains, to a younger audience (the trend-setting box office and finally decide the tabulario productions at school, which explains why basically 90% of American film production, which reaches around the world, is aimed at a consumer with a very low level of demand, action movies with spectacular effects, humor puerile and without depth). While it is true that the Academy urges you close the generation gap - which is seen in the nature of the two favorite tapes for the statuette for best movie of the year: the formal, elegant and upbeat the king's speech, Tom Hooper and Social Network , eclectic, postmodern (and rather misogynistic) tape of David Fincher. Each has its ardent defense fronts, and that some gains will be very symbolic: on the one hand may be the triumph of the old guard who is stuck rewarding biopics, historical films, great entertainment and human interest stories, as opposed to a tape that is young, with equally young cast and a more direct narrative language, something closer to the sensitivity hipster new wave of filmmakers and fans.

This is the first time in Oscar history that a duo of a man and a woman liven up the whole ceremony. In the past, some actresses - like Lucille Ball, Joan Crawford, or Whoopi Goldberg - have been part of masters of ceremonies, and had also been partners, but only as part of a tele from another city like New York. This is the first time a couple perform live and on stage throughout the ceremony. The other important innovation is that producers have abandoned the traditional setting and now undergo a series of virtual reality scenarios through projections. The purpose of this change is that hosts carrying the audience on a journey through the history of Hollywood through six different scenery. Cohen explained, "The hope is that we leave the (theater) Kodak in 2011, not literally but metaphorically speaking, and lead the audience with nosotroshacia century".

And Music !
One of the items back to retake the organizers of the event this year is the individual presentation of the nominated songs. play Randy Newman We Belong Together Ribbon Toy Story 3. Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi made a song duet with Entangled : I See the Light , while Gwyneth Paltrow versatile country sing the theme Coming Home he composed for the film Country Strong - in which she plays a singer. And Dido, nominated by If I Rise of 127 hours , not available, the rocker was invited to Florence Welch interprets the theme.

Moreover, the producers decided to include the choir of primary school 22, of Staten Island, New York, to play the memorable theme Over the Rainbow, which became legendary in the voice of Judy Garland in The Wizard Oz .

But that is not everything, in an effort to give a touch more 'personal' to the ceremony, have been invited this year to nine mothers of nominees and a grandmother (Franco's) that will follow the ceremony via Twitter from where they will comment. Obviously, we should not wait for the proud parents are neutral in their comments on their offspring, which will generate some controversy secure the network. In addition, Cohen and Mischer ruled this year the use of testimony from a panel of five presenters, which was introduced two years ago. Everything looks to be a quick ceremony and dynamic, which, frankly, is welcome.

What will you want "Black"?
The Alexander "The Black" Gonzalez Inarritu is nominated this year Biutiful , the supernatural-tinged melodrama filmed with Javier Bardem (nominated for best actor) in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas been national attention on the event, both the perennial dream of dyeing the national colors of glory in this field (something that did not happen with the classic Macario nor Y Tu Mama too, which only served to throw the charolastras the world a decade ago, with Gael appearing ceremony in 2002 to submit to Caetano Veloso and make politics into the microphone, as you know) and by the discontent that arose in some quarters that this was the tape selected by the Mexican Academy to represent Mexico at the Oscars, violating ( or, flexing) your own rules, which sat very ill and is not clearly justified in no time.

get the Oscar, González Iñárritu will settle the debt owed to him since that hectic Hollywood 2007 when three Mexican directors (Cuaron, del Toro and he) came up empty-handed after all the hubbub. However, it is not so easy since its main competitor, Kynodontas , Greece, has swept across the festival circuit.

Tribulations of royalty, families with lesbian mothers, dreamlike delusions, cowboys with a heart of gold, greedy and resentful academics, fighters, drug traffickers and neurasthenic ballerinas with identity problems, are some of the things offered by the Oscar. A more mixed picture than in other years, so the interest does not fade, even if you survive for the new century, this ceremony needs this renovation - we do not know if it works, urgently.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Effects Of Sweet & Low

Acerola Cola

Acerola Malpighia emarginata
Malpighia genus name by Linnaeus in honor
the work of the Italian physician and biologist, anatomist Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694 ) , who also investigated numerous anatomical studies on plants and published his findings in a book Anatomia Plantarum (1671) , the further investigation of botany at the time. The Royal Society published the following year. Emarginata The epithet refers to the apex leaf (called so when they finish in a shallow notch or recess)
Origin: West Indies.
Other names: Cerecita, Indian Cherry, Cherry red, cherry Savannah, Jamaica cherry, cayenne cherry, Antilles cherry, Barbados cherry, brush, acerola, Cerise d'Antilles (French), di Ciliegia Antilles, Barbados Cilegia di (Italian), Antilles cherry, Barbados cherry tree Health, Huesito, Puerto Rican cherry, West Indian cherry; Cerejeira.
enVenezuela name is acerola Shimarucu in the Netherlands Antilles, Philippines Malpi (abbreviation of genus)
acerola name comes from Hispanic Arab azza'rúra , which in turn derives from the classical Arabic and Syriac az Zur (h) za'rārā that may also be the etymological cherry. ( Malpighia emarginata in Wikipedia)

concerns: "Acerola or acerola (Malpighia emarginata) is a plant family Malpighiaceae and is the name receiving the fruit of the same, which grows wild in Central America, the Caribbean and in the humid tropics of South America. is a shrub that is between 3 and 6 m tall, dark bark, has numerous branches, usually pointing upwards, fragile and short, that in the wild have spines (cultivated species lack spines). The leaves are simple, entire, and opposite, cuneate base, divided into three or five lobes toothed or entire, pubescent, dark green, apex acute or acuminate and petiole 5 to 12 mm long. Flowers pentamerous (five petals), pink-lilac in curds, for his appearance is mistaken for another species of the Rosaceae, the acerola (Crataegus azarolus) that is typical of the Mediterranean basin. Acerola is a fruit similar in appearance to a cherry, smooth skin, bright red, of between 1 and 2 cm in diameter, juicy, sweet and sour flavor and high in vitamin C (also rich in vitamin B6, B1, A, flavonoids and essential minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium).

  • Medical . Among the medicinal properties attributed to it include its use as an astringent, anti-anemic, antidiarrheal, antiscorbutic, fungicidal (against fungi), anti-inflammatory, healing, antioxidant, can increase the diminishing effect cholesterol, diuretic, mineralizing, vitaminizante (distinguished by its high content of vitamin C, etc.). Food
  • . edible fruits. According to reports from the EEA INTA Corrientes: "The performance of older plants is of the order of twenty to twenty-five kilos. It is a tropical-subtropical species, can withstand temperatures near zero degrees. In recent years, are taking very important for the high in vitamin C, which can be a hundred times that of citrus. It can be eaten as fresh fruit, juices, jams, ice cream, etc.. " Industrial
  • . Manufacture of cosmetic products for skin and hair. Ornamental
  • . The red fruit contrasts with the bright green of the leaves and give it great ornamental value

The bingtang hulu - Beijing typical dessert - very popular in the New Year Fairs is a kind of candied fruit brochette (traditional acerola are made.)
Legend "During the Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao Ting came to the throne in 1187. One day, Huang Guifei, one of his favorite concubines, he became ill. She would not eat anything, he looked very weak and thin. The royal doctors were preparing her many medicines, but the concubine had not improved. The Emperor had no choice but to put an ad to find a more skillful doctor. A civilian doctor read the ad and went to the imperial palace, where he quickly ordered the servants caramelize the fruit contents. Shortly thereafter, the concubine Huang Guifei regained healthy d. Later, the recipe became popular and then became the favorite candy that makes up today. " ( Bingtang hulu, children's favorite dessert, China Radio International in English)

"Introduction and fruit species ASSESSMENT: Acerola" , INTA, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Corrientes, Argentina
"From Yuto, it appears the acerola" , Article of the newspaper Clarin, Edic. Saturday 07/02/2005, Argentina
"Acerola: The Barbados di cilegia" , Medical & Salute, Dtt. Massimo Spattini
Laskowski, Libya E.: "Anatomical characteristics of leaf and stem of acerola
(Malpighia emarginata DC ) , Dept. of Biological Sciences, Agronomy, University Centroocidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Biagro 12 (2): 33-40.2000

How To Know Ifkidney Stone Is Stuck In Bladder

Yuquerí / Carpinchera

Yuquerí / Carpinchera
Mimosa pigra, Mimosa tweedieana , Carpinchera, Mata capybara Yuquerí, Juker
í, Espino, Espino Savannah i, Zarza, Zarza sleepy.
Mimosa pudica, Mimosa, Sensitive, poppy, Morivivi, Cera
turkey The generic name refers to the Mimosa curious behavior of leaves that are sensitive to touch or light touch of an object, they react by closing and then, after a short time, re-opened. The leaves fold at night, the epithet pigra : lazy, slow.
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: Native to tropical America
Several of its common names, Carpinchera, Mata capybara capybara Arbor, refer to the Mimosa pigra as one of the species of coastal thickets, which are counted between sites or preferred by the capybara capybara (Capybara).

Wikipedia concerned: "The members of this gender are among the few plants capable of rapid movement, examples include Codoriocalyx Mimosa outside Hassk., and Dionaea Ellis (known as the "Flytrap"). Mimosa is distinguishable from a broad genre related, Acacia and Albizia, because their flowers have 10 or fewer stamens. Note that, botanically, what appears to be a single flower globosa is actually a cluster of many other individuals. "
" Taxonomy: The genus Mimosa has had a tortuous history, having had periods of splitting and lumping, ultimately accumulating over 3,000 names, many of which were synonymized under other species or are transferred to other genera. Partly due to these changes in districts, the name "Mimosa" has been applied to several other related species with similar pinnate or bipinnate leaves but now classified in other genera such as Albizia and Acacia. " (Wikipedia: Mimosa (plant) ; Mimosa pudica)

Shrub or small-sized tree that grows in damp, greenish brown stem, prickly, slender and branched, leaves bipinnate (in number) with central spine stickleback. Inflorescence spherical heads, pedunculate, very delicate pale pink flowers.
Fruit vegetables as flat, brown, pubescent, arranged in groups at the ends of the branches are segmented, the segments that contain the seeds can be released individually in the plant remained empty frame, its buoyancy favors dispersion of the species.
is fast growing, adapts to most soils, because of its ability to fix nitrogen from the air can thrive in poor soils. Is sensitive to frost and drought.
In Africa, India, Southeast Asia and several Pacific islands is considered an invasive weed.
Wikipedia concerned: "In Australia, Mimosa pigra is currently limited to the Northern Territory where infestastadas approximately 80,000 ha of coastal flooding. Mimosa pigra is one of Australia's worst environmental weeds.
Naively, Mimosa pigra was probably introduced into Australia through the George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens from 1871 to 1891, either accidentally in the seed samples, or as a curious, sensitive leaves. Its spread around Darwin in the next 60 years was not particularly remarkable, until a heavy infestation discovered in 1952 in the Adelaide River, 100 km south of Darwin. By 1968, it had spread down the river Adelaide, to the junction of Marrakai, and by 1975 had reached the bridge at Arnhem Highway. The weed was then able to extend the flood plains of the Adelaide River. Although low in palatability, was assisted in the establishment of high densities of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.), which were heavily overgrazed in the floodplain. In addition, its seeds can float, which helped its rapid spread. The population increased dramatically, and during the first half of the 1980s, other rivers were colonized, but the rate of development has slowed since the late 80 " (Mimosa pigra , portal Wikipedia)

El Bolson (north of Resistencia, Chaco), near the Park Avalos

In "100 Argentine Tree "read : " This tree or tall shrub is worthy of cultivation as an ornamental, particularly in educational gardens. We are so little inclined to see a plant that moves, which undoubtedly is a resource innovative teaching to work outdoors.
As has ornamental interesting qualities. The foliage is Bnito and we note in particular fruit. It is pod (kegumbres) coated with a thick plush implement of dull ocher. At maturity the pod splits into pieces, each with a seed, which are falling and just left on the ground the outline of the fruit, as it remains thin cord that ran its outline. " (Haene Eduardo and Aparicio, Gustavo: 100 Argentine Tree, Ed Albatros, Buenos Aires, 2007)

Sob re one of its common names - Yuquerí - referred to noted poet and prose writer Colman paraguago Narcizo (1876-1954) known for Rosicrán , eminent farmer of Guaraní: (Jukerei) Ñuatî ñemyronde. Ñemyronde This word is one of the many terms Guarani has no adequate translation English. It applies to people who for the smallest thing will offend and stored resentment. The jukeri is but a derivation of jukerei, whose etymology tells us clearly the quality of this plant: Ju (needle or spine) ke (sleep) rei (easily) "Plant thorny easily fall asleep" and this refers to the leaves, which at the slightest touch and close a plant being Nemy  ronde. The ambu'a (centipede) kind of hundred feet, is also a bug Nemy  round because he felt the slightest touch is rolled and plays dead. " (Colman, R. Narcizo (Rosicrán): OUR ANCESTORS ( Ypy ÑANDE Kuero *) English version of the same author. Paraguay Virtual Library)
* IPI ÑANDE LEATHER (OUR ANCESTORS) POEM ethnogenetic and mythological - Early History of the Guarani race, followed by an etymological study of myths, names and voices employees.
Several portals refer to this beautiful legend of Makahiya (
Mimosa pudica) , which tells how the plant came : Legend of Makahiya
Once upon a time a couple - Mang Dondong and Aling Iska - Barangay Masagana ( Pampanga today) who wanted a daughter. His wish was granted and the woman gave birth to a daughter they named Mary.
Over time she became a very beautiful girl, responsible, hardworking, good-hearted, but very shy and rarely left his house. I had a flower garden that dealt with patience and tenderness, the plants were for her the source of joy and happiness
One day the news spread a group of bandits who had been attacking neighboring villages were very cruel and did not notice anything to get what they wanted. They robbed houses and killed everyone who stood in his way and refused to hand over their belongings.
The parents were very frightened about what might happen to Mary, so they hid among the plants in the garden she loved so much.
The robbers come home, ransacked it, beat the couple and they leave without having found Mary, when parents leave the place quickly go in search of her daughter but more searching can not find it, and place where they had Hidden there is a small plant, very sensitive and inmedatamente closes its leaves when touched. They the observed long time and became convinced that his daughter Mary had been converted into a plant to save her from the attackers, so called it "Makahiya" which means "do not touch me" as he was so shy like Mary. Aling Iska
sobbed uncontrollably and wonder Dondong Mang,
her husband, saw that each tear was transformed into a small pink flower in the new plant in the garden. ( WikiPilipinas; The Legend of Makahiya )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Big Max Shed Extntion

fat meat

Meat fat Talinum paniculatum
Family: Portulacaceae / Talináceas

Other names: Fosforito; Branch toad, Jewels of Opar (Jewels of Opar), spinach Java, spinach Surinam Purslane French Baby's
breath. Maria fat In Brazil, Maria Gomes, Erva fat, big Beldroega, etc.

Herbaceous perennial, fleshy root, tuberous succulent leaves, opposite the base and the top alternate, oval lanceolate, apex
v ariable, narrower at base, thick petioles. Flowering tops gathered in terminal panicles, usually delicate pink flowers on thin pedicels, corolla of five petals, dried fruit globose capsule-shaped, numerous tiny black seeds.
The common name "beef fat" refers to the characteristics of edible plant leaves, is used as forage resources in semiarid northwestern Spain.

Their small, colorful fruits red and gold colors, shining like little jewels, earned him the name of Jewels of Opar
(Jewels of Opar) , like the famous novel Tarzan and the jewels of Opar ", published in 1916 by Edgar Rice Burroughs, American writer creator of the world famous character of Tarzan .

The INTA mentioned Talinum paniculatum, including glyphosate-tolerant weeds.
Brazil Several portals are reference traditional medicinal uses in the herb Olaria ntr e and applications include: antiscorbutic, antitussive, healing, corn remedies, diuretic, cleansing, emmenagogue, emollient, mucilaginous, refrigerant, vulneraria, etc. Part used: tubers, seeds and leaves.

Lillo mentioned Talinum Talinum patens and triangulare with the common name fat meat for both species "They use these herbs to put into the pot as a vegetable, are good vegetables. They also have refrigerant and antiscorbutic virtues. "
(Lillo, Miguel. Contribution to the knowledge of trees in Argentina, 1910)

in Indonesia is known as Java Som (Som Jawa) and according to the fleshy roots herbal treatments would be used to improve male vitality. The morphology of the roots of plants Som Jawa is very similar to ginseng and has been used to treat such disorders, so the plant is also often referred to as the Java Ginseng .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Speaking of Colin Firth

The English actor has cultivated a solid career and now, for the king's speech, is the favorite in the competitive race for the Oscar

Miguel Cane

Colin Firth in Universal Pictures' Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

In nearly thirty-year career Colin Firth (London, 1960) has played various roles in over fifty films - including the multi Valmont, and the two films based on Bridget Jones's Diary - and first reached international fame incarnate Mr. Darcy in the celebrated BBC adaptation that made the classic Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice in 1995, a miniseries literally stopped traffic in London to spread his final chapter (no matter how novel it was based was one of the most read in the story and its outcome was in the public domain). From then until now, has seen his popularity Firth multiply geometrically, something that seems not too much: "For many years I have lived in Rome and that I can walk calmly down the street without anyone being aware of who I am. I guess that has to do with that do a perfectly normal life, nothing spectacular ... an actor has nothing to do with being a celebrity. "

Colin Firth at the New York premiere of ThinkFilm's  Then She Found Me

Being a versatile actor, Firth has served to be present in numerous films from diverse genres, from thrillers to melodramas, comedies and musicals (he dared to Mamma Mia alongside Meryl Streep) and last year caused fury like a gay college professor and depressed One man (A single man) , the directorial debut of Tom Ford, which earned him his first Oscar nomination. Repeated this year for his work as King George VI in the acclaimed film of Tom Hooper the king's speech, which explores the story of how the sudden abdication of his brother Edward VIII (which became the Duke of Windsor) to marry the enigmatic Wallis Simpson, he had to assume the throne and to overcome his stuttering with the help of unorthodox speech therapist (played in turn by Geoffrey Rush) and the unconditional support of his wife - the future Queen Mother of the United Kingdom ", who plays with tenderness and generosity Helena Bonham-Carter.

Colin Firth at the Sundance Film Festival Sky 360 Delta Lounge portraits

is the first time you play a real historical figure ... Was it more difficult for a dummy?
When Tom approached me, I thought it was an idea that intrigued me, especially since I do not look, at all, to George VI ... but what he told me what I did take it more seriously, is that this is exactly what they wanted. It was not to make a biopic with actors-portrait. His idea was to tell a historical story with people, as a witness in the act, not as a storyteller. That convinced me to trust him and I put myself in his hands. Moreover, this is undoubtedly the most difficult character who has represented.

suppose What is this?
A is indeed a historical figure. And you can not treat it as the hell you want, because there, because he was part of a very important moment in the history of England and because he was a human and not perfect. I'm an actor. Is what I do. In the case of King, was a privilege to incarnate: it is the kind of character that you dream of a lifetime, but rarely have the chance to play. When I talked to Tom the first time, after reading the script, it was agreed that the emotional toll it was very difficult. It was basically a family man who suddenly finds himself with the burden of being king in a climax of the story and do not want, but must accept. Having to delve into that dichotomy is something that requires a lot emotionally and not just me. Also Helen, Geoffrey. All involved. George VI, 'Bertie' as they called him at home ... was this man who always tried to do the right thing. Had the difficult task of being a decent guy in a very complicated world. And to do justice to a character that is this complex is not an easy job.

Colin Firth Cannes Film Festival American Pavilion

Many say this type of films are made for a particular season, for an audience rather elitist and does not popular. What do you think?
is really not an easy film to shoot, to sell to the public. But it is a deeply human story, full of edges, colors and shadows. Of humor and pathos. It is not just a story about aristocrats of tribulations. I think well worth telling this story, because it has all elements in its favor to reach the audience. It is not a melodrama, not a biopic ... indeed. The tape does not need labels, and I think that is most important. It's a human interest story. So yes, it is a risk, but is one of those worthwhile. I would tell the public that no preconceived judgments approaches to stop the tape and wrap. Discover that it has pleasant surprises for everyone.

is a performance that has put you back on the short lists of great prizes ...
Yeah, well, I dunno. I did not take this role wondering if it could result in recognition or not. The truth is that I guided my career in this way - if so, I guess not live in Italy, staying out of the spotlight. I did it because I wanted to, because I felt the urgent need for it, period. I can understand that the ego makes you feel more powerful and want to feel the respect of others. As actors, we are all a bit exhibitionistic, but I'm not ambitious. As an actor I enjoy the recognition, but I do not get upset.

But beyond the awards, has established thirty-year career. It is not easy.
is true and I think I have much luck. I started supporting roles rather than actors because it is easier to start and go down slowly. No matter the fame, if not to work forever. Alec Guinness was. There is a great tradition of British actors who have disdained fame for their craft. Derek Jacobi, Paul Scofield, John Gielguld. They set a precedent and an example of me. I like that now, thirty years later I'm working on what I like. I hope to do thirty years.

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Speech of the King, The / The King's Speech, by Tom Hooper

Real Story

Miguel Cane

In his critically acclaimed King's Speech beyond the biopic and closer to the little explored gender docudrama - a dramatic tape with a strictly home-Tom Hooper documentary deals with skill and narrative agility a key episode in the history of England that had ramifications that last until today in world history.

Colin Firth has a masterful role as Albert George, Duke of York, son of King George V stutterer (Michael Gambon) who never wanted to govern and the sudden resignation of his brother King Edward VIII (Guy Pearce) to marry the enigmatic Wallis Simpson, was forced to ascend the throne. The story addresses the issue of the future monarch, but also the personal plight that stuttering will cause him unable to speak in public, the Duke of complexes, is full of fears, feels inferior to a brother who can not withstand the pressure of being the future King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India. But with the help of Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) will overcome their fears becoming the magnificent King George VI (1936-1952) after the abdication.

Colin Firth
without exaggeration stuttering recreates the king, but goes much further, quite frankly reflects the complex and fears gripped to George VI. With this role Firth definitive separation from his leading-man comedy to show his mettle, as it did last year on tape telling Tom Ford A Single Man (which inexplicably never released in Mexico). He is accompanied by a star cast: Rush gives an almost comic counterpoint to the troubled ruler who makes the story run parallel between drama and comedy. You face the fears of the future King delved into his past, his person. Both men are opposed: the English king against the "doctor" Australian of the poorest areas of London.

But not only live action film. The story, in this case, is well known but was never treated this way. The script is exceptional stutter behind the king is his search for authority but also the confrontation between good government and good speaker. Scene understanding is the key to viewing the coronation by the whole family, as the scene jumps to a speech. Isabel, the present queen, asks his father "What?" To which George responds "I do not know, but says it very well." In this little scene, almost family, it contains the greatest secret of the film. King George that, on one occasion George VI himself as the stuttering fool, compared to Adolf Hitler, the eloquence of the words of the German dictator murderer in front of the dubious word of a king in charge: the supremacy of the acts in front of the words .

complete the picture Helena Bonham-Carter, peaceful and loving the role of Queen Elizabeth (the future Queen Mother of Great Britain) and the splendid view and little Jennifer Ehle, as Logue's wife, in a solid film, with performances achieved and sober and enthusiastic direction, which is transmitted to each shot. In other hands, perhaps this would be a tape of little interest, but with this team we have a high quality film that justifies its presence in so many awards shortlists have had.

The Speech of the King / The King's Speech
With Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham-Carter, Guy Pearce, Jennifer Ehle and Michael Gambon. Tom Hooper directs
UK 2010

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