Yuquerí / Carpinchera
Mimosa pigra, Mimosa tweedieana , Carpinchera, Mata capybara Yuquerí, Juker í, Espino, Espino Savannah i, Zarza, Zarza sleepy.
Mimosa pudica, Mimosa, Sensitive, poppy, Morivivi, Cera
turkey The generic name refers to the Mimosa curious behavior of leaves that are sensitive to touch or light touch of an object, they react by closing and then, after a short time, re-opened. The leaves fold at night, the epithet pigra : lazy, slow.
Family: Fabaceae
Origin: Native to tropical America
Several of its common names, Carpinchera, Mata capybara capybara Arbor, refer to the Mimosa pigra as one of the species of coastal thickets, which are counted between sites or preferred by the capybara capybara (Capybara).
Wikipedia concerned: "The members of this gender are among the few plants capable of rapid movement, examples include Codoriocalyx Mimosa outside Hassk., and Dionaea Ellis (known as the "Flytrap"). Mimosa is distinguishable from a broad genre related, Acacia and Albizia, because their flowers have 10 or fewer stamens. Note that, botanically, what appears to be a single flower globosa is actually a cluster of many other individuals. "
" Taxonomy: The genus Mimosa has had a tortuous history, having had periods of splitting and lumping, ultimately accumulating over 3,000 names, many of which were synonymized under other species or are transferred to other genera. Partly due to these changes in districts, the name "Mimosa" has been applied to several other related species with similar pinnate or bipinnate leaves but now classified in other genera such as Albizia and Acacia. " (Wikipedia: Mimosa (plant) ; Mimosa pudica)
Shrub or small-sized tree that grows in damp, greenish brown stem, prickly, slender and branched, leaves bipinnate (in number) with central spine stickleback. Inflorescence spherical heads, pedunculate, very delicate pale pink flowers.
Fruit vegetables as flat, brown, pubescent, arranged in groups at the ends of the branches are segmented, the segments that contain the seeds can be released individually in the plant remained empty frame, its buoyancy favors dispersion of the species.
is fast growing, adapts to most soils, because of its ability to fix nitrogen from the air can thrive in poor soils. Is sensitive to frost and drought.
In Africa, India, Southeast Asia and several Pacific islands is considered an invasive weed.
Wikipedia concerned: "In Australia, Mimosa pigra is currently limited to the Northern Territory where infestastadas approximately 80,000 ha of coastal flooding. Mimosa pigra is one of Australia's worst environmental weeds.
Naively, Mimosa pigra was probably introduced into Australia through the George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens from 1871 to 1891, either accidentally in the seed samples, or as a curious, sensitive leaves. Its spread around Darwin in the next 60 years was not particularly remarkable, until a heavy infestation discovered in 1952 in the Adelaide River, 100 km south of Darwin. By 1968, it had spread down the river Adelaide, to the junction of Marrakai, and by 1975 had reached the bridge at Arnhem Highway. The weed was then able to extend the flood plains of the Adelaide River. Although low in palatability, was assisted in the establishment of high densities of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.), which were heavily overgrazed in the floodplain. In addition, its seeds can float, which helped its rapid spread. The population increased dramatically, and during the first half of the 1980s, other rivers were colonized, but the rate of development has slowed since the late 80 " (Mimosa pigra , portal Wikipedia)

El Bolson (north of Resistencia, Chaco), near the Park Avalos
In "100 Argentine Tree "read : " This tree or tall shrub is worthy of cultivation as an ornamental, particularly in educational gardens. We are so little inclined to see a plant that moves, which undoubtedly is a resource innovative teaching to work outdoors.
As has ornamental interesting qualities. The foliage is Bnito and we note in particular fruit. It is pod (kegumbres) coated with a thick plush implement of dull ocher. At maturity the pod splits into pieces, each with a seed, which are falling and just left on the ground the outline of the fruit, as it remains thin cord that ran its outline. " (Haene Eduardo and Aparicio, Gustavo: 100 Argentine Tree, Ed Albatros, Buenos Aires, 2007)
* IPI ÑANDE LEATHER (OUR ANCESTORS) POEM ethnogenetic and mythological - Early History of the Guarani race, followed by an etymological study of myths, names and voices employees.
Several portals refer to this beautiful legend of Makahiya ( Mimosa pudica) , which tells how the plant came : Legend of Makahiya
Once upon a time a couple - Mang Dondong and Aling Iska - Barangay Masagana ( Pampanga today) who wanted a daughter. His wish was granted and the woman gave birth to a daughter they named Mary.
Over time she became a very beautiful girl, responsible, hardworking, good-hearted, but very shy and rarely left his house. I had a flower garden that dealt with patience and tenderness, the plants were for her the source of joy and happiness .
One day the news spread a group of bandits who had been attacking neighboring villages were very cruel and did not notice anything to get what they wanted. They robbed houses and killed everyone who stood in his way and refused to hand over their belongings.
The parents were very frightened about what might happen to Mary, so they hid among the plants in the garden she loved so much. The robbers come home, ransacked it, beat the couple and they leave without having found Mary, when parents leave the place quickly go in search of her daughter but more searching can not find it, and place where they had Hidden there is a small plant, very sensitive and inmedatamente closes its leaves when touched. They the observed long time and became convinced that his daughter Mary had been converted into a plant to save her from the attackers, so called it "Makahiya" which means "do not touch me" as he was so shy like Mary. Aling Iska
sobbed uncontrollably and wonder Dondong Mang, her husband, saw that each tear was transformed into a small pink flower in the new plant in the garden. ( WikiPilipinas; The Legend of Makahiya )
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