Caraguatá / Chaguar
Family: Bromeliaceae
This family is named after the botanist, physician and numismatist Swedish Olof Bromelius / bromeliads Olaf (1639-1705) .
common names " chaguar " (a Quechua) and "caraguatá (Guaraní), actually refers to several plants share some characteristics of plants, among which are several of the bromeliads of our area.
- hieronymi Bromelia , Chaguar , Chitzaj , Chutzaj ( wichí ), Nana ( Izoceño -Guarani). Properties artisan, of the leaves ob tie ne the raw material (fiber) for r onduct tissues crafts ales ( s portfolio, cint years, bags etc.)
- Bromelia serra , Caraguatá , Karaguatá , Chaguar , Cardo, Cardo hook Cotaque (tuff). Properties food: fruits are eaten raw or grassy in jelly or fresh fruit juice grassy take it as a anapa , the leaf is eaten roasted, seeds, as replacement Pororo corn.
- Urban Bromeliad Sin. Deinacanthon urbanianum (Mez ) Chaguar , Qallite (t oba) Oletzaj , Aletzaj ( wichí ).
- Bromelia balansae , Caraguatá , Karaguatá , ornamental and craft Properties (fiber rope are stolons, leaf fiber yarns for fishing and weaving)
- Aechmea distichantha , Cardo strike, you Toq late'e (Toba), properties food (you eat the ripe fruit)

Chaguar / Caraguatá (Park Caraguatá )
The wichí chaguar differentiate dwarf ( oletzaj or aletzaj ) Deinacanthon urbanianum , which gives a higher quality fiber, but not abundant in the area and chaguar medium ( chitzaj or chutzaj ) Bromelia hieronymi of larger leaves and abundant in the area . ( Wikipedia )
describing the flora of the Gran Chaco, Jorge Luis Fontana refers to textiles: "Although cotton is almost spontaneous as the fruit of samuhú , only operates on a small scale, and almost exclusively by Indians, the fiber sheet caraguatá or chaguar (bromeliad family ) ". ( Fontana, Luis Jorge (1846-1920): "The Gran Chaco", Ed . Solar, Hachette, Buenos Aires, 1977)
Chaco Plant In II, on traditional uses -Guaraní Izoceño of various plants , we read:
Names: Karaguata ( Bromelia serra ) ; Karaguatá guasu ( Deutorocochnia longipetala ) , Aloe vera, Aloe ; Nana (Bromelia heronymi )
"The Karaguatá is a very common plant that can grow over large areas that are called" karaguatales . "Besides the most common Karaguatá, there is another more difficult to find, it grows in the bush and is called Karaguatá guasu ( Deutorocochnia longipetala ). Finally, there is another Karaguata guasu called in Castilian Aloe: it is an introduced plant in the area, which is grown near the houses for its medicinal properties. Was determinadacomo Aloe vera.
The Karaguata is "companion" another plant like that is the Nana (Bromelia heronymi ). But both plants are easily differentiated, because the leaves of Nana have a thicker base, the rosette is thick and bones from the edge of the blade more pronounced and curves that the Karaguatá . The karaguatá by a stolon sprouts into the ground while the runner of Nana remains on the soil surface. "
human Food: The fruit raw or cooked in the Karaguatá ( Bromelia serra) is edible.
When the fruit ripens turns yellow, the seeds are dried in the sun, Tusta and ground, to make an edible meal. conciste Another recipe to dry the seeds from ripe fruits and make hevir in water. After a while, is bruised all in one " tacu " slips this preparation and take the juice out.
The tender roots of Karaguatá are also edible. When burning the " Karaguatal " ls Karaguata leaves are burning and disappear, but the roots are burned, they pull and scrape to get a powder that serves as a meal to accompany meat dishes Mt. The Raies of Nana not eat because they are very hard.
Fabric: The leaves of Karaguata source of fiber for Voko (pocket), horse cinch, hammocks, etc. These fibers are very used, stronger and longer than those of Nana . Karaguata fibers guasu that grows in the bush are also used for weaving.
Medicine: Inflammation of the urinary tract. The leaves of the common Karaguata cleaning under a " tacu " to obtain n juice is taken by small vessels, until you feel better. It is a very effective remedy
(CHACO PLANT II, uses traditional Izoceno -Guarani, Santa Cruz, Bolivia , 2002)
Park Caraguatá , north of Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina), has 100 hectares for a broad tour of the flora and fauna of the region l, caraguatales , chaguarales , grasslands, wetlands, palm , native trees, fountains, aquatic plants, etc.
describing the flora of the Gran Chaco, Jorge Luis Fontana refers to textiles: "Although cotton is almost spontaneous as the fruit of samuhú , only operates on a small scale, and almost exclusively by Indians, the fiber sheet caraguatá or chaguar (bromeliad family ) ". ( Fontana, Luis Jorge (1846-1920): "The Gran Chaco", Ed . Solar, Hachette, Buenos Aires, 1977)
Chaco Plant In II, on traditional uses -Guaraní Izoceño of various plants , we read:
Names: Karaguata ( Bromelia serra ) ; Karaguatá guasu ( Deutorocochnia longipetala ) , Aloe vera, Aloe ; Nana (Bromelia heronymi )
"The Karaguatá is a very common plant that can grow over large areas that are called" karaguatales . "Besides the most common Karaguatá, there is another more difficult to find, it grows in the bush and is called Karaguatá guasu ( Deutorocochnia longipetala ). Finally, there is another Karaguata guasu called in Castilian Aloe: it is an introduced plant in the area, which is grown near the houses for its medicinal properties. Was determinadacomo Aloe vera.
The Karaguata is "companion" another plant like that is the Nana (Bromelia heronymi ). But both plants are easily differentiated, because the leaves of Nana have a thicker base, the rosette is thick and bones from the edge of the blade more pronounced and curves that the Karaguatá . The karaguatá by a stolon sprouts into the ground while the runner of Nana remains on the soil surface. "
human Food: The fruit raw or cooked in the Karaguatá ( Bromelia serra) is edible.
When the fruit ripens turns yellow, the seeds are dried in the sun, Tusta and ground, to make an edible meal. conciste Another recipe to dry the seeds from ripe fruits and make hevir in water. After a while, is bruised all in one " tacu " slips this preparation and take the juice out.
The tender roots of Karaguatá are also edible. When burning the " Karaguatal " ls Karaguata leaves are burning and disappear, but the roots are burned, they pull and scrape to get a powder that serves as a meal to accompany meat dishes Mt. The Raies of Nana not eat because they are very hard.
Fabric: The leaves of Karaguata source of fiber for Voko (pocket), horse cinch, hammocks, etc. These fibers are very used, stronger and longer than those of Nana . Karaguata fibers guasu that grows in the bush are also used for weaving.
Medicine: Inflammation of the urinary tract. The leaves of the common Karaguata cleaning under a " tacu " to obtain n juice is taken by small vessels, until you feel better. It is a very effective remedy
(CHACO PLANT II, uses traditional Izoceno -Guarani, Santa Cruz, Bolivia , 2002)
Park Caraguatá , north of Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina), has 100 hectares for a broad tour of the flora and fauna of the region l, caraguatales , chaguarales , grasslands, wetlands, palm , native trees, fountains, aquatic plants, etc.
referred Wikipedia "Process from botanical resource"
In each " chaguaral " are chosen only the plants with the size and quality required. To verify the latter, cut a leaf shredder, strain the fiber with your hands and know if it will be tough. With a stick or machete loose rooted plant, then off with a flick of a lever. Are chosen larger leaves and in good condition, cut the thorns, peel the foil, and separated from the outer layers of the leaf, the inside with fiber. The short leaves and the rest of the plant is left in place.
Then crush the fiber with a piece of tin, scraping with a sharp object, soak in water again and again until it does release the parenchymatous tissue adhered to the fiber. The fiber is then dried in the sun for a day or two until laundered.
The yarn is joining strands, twisting them with a swift movement of the hands on the thigh, which has been smeared with ashes of a charred stone, making softer yarn.
Then the fibers were stained, using different dyes (brown, black, gray, red, the most common) prepared final monte.Al plants, it is the tissue with the use single needle.

Aechmea distichanta
numerous references were found on bromeliads by travelers, chroniclers and historians , including merit include the following:
Father José Guevara of the Society of Jesus refers: "Al caraguatá nature destined for the garden fence, you tupe lot with strong stalks, tall, strong and armed with piercing thorns, which are removed bloodied but daring the unwary attackers. These leaves are estimable qualities, serve on tile roofs, which collect the water that flooded the chozuelas of the poor, and his heart was removed by way of hemp yarn, twisted rope used to strong, till it infidels in some tissues of artifice not less than the poverty of the matter. The fruit in the figure is similar to the pineapple, but the heart is sweet pulp , declining nice sweet and sour, and supplements the effect of any lemonade. " (History of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata and Tucumán by Father Guevara, of the Company Jesus, 2 ª. Party Cap. II: Of the trees)
Meanwhile Félix de Azara, in his "Description and History of Paraguay and the Río de la Plata" gives the following description: "There are many plants called pitas, carding and caraguaias , and between them are born the same in the ground on the trunks and roofs. Retain all their buds water from rain and dew that sometimes collect passengers to drink. I will mention only two: one filled with infinite at the edges of forests and also discovered. The leaves or fronds, have the color, width and thickness those of the pineapple or pineapple , but are much longer and thorny, and contain a few strands finer than those of the string of Spain, though no one uses. Is multiplied by shoots, and which of them has to bear fruit, comes with pearl-colored leaves of the liveliest. Among them get a scion of a small stick, thick, full of flowers four leaves that give many dates tight two-inch long, thick one, orange being mature, boys tend to eat some barbecue.
caraguatá The other called Ibira gives a result very similar to the famous pineapple , but nothing worth. No lives exposed, but in the interior of all the forests of Paraguay. Its leaves are not very thorny, of thin and long from one to six feet and two inches more width. The cut or tear the plants, the rot as hemp, easily removed with the fingers the skin and the fibers are as fine as those of hemp and the same color, which they call cuaraguatá tow. Without further benefit the spin to sew shoes, and tangles a bit with a rake made of six or eight common nails, caulk with them the craft with the advantage that they never loosen or rot in the water. There can be no doubt that the caraguatá tarps, ropes and cables, to resist more than those of hemp, as I have experienced small. Truth is that I presume will not be so flexibility, and they will not admit it tar. " (Azara, Félix de 1742-1821: Description and history of Paraguay and the Río de la Plata, cap. V" wild vegetables, "Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes , Spain)
Description In the Gran Chaco Chorográfica Gualamba (1733) , Father Pedro Lozano concerns: " The chaguar , named by the Indians, is a kind of pita, but lower in height, with spiny leaves and long stalks a foot or two. The best known species in the Chaco are two, one of the larger leaves and weak trunk, which grows on wetter sites, and other smaller leaves, strong stems and very dry places. This is the Chaco Indians prefer to turn it into yarn, which are at least as strong as hemp, and incorruptible water. Of them manufactured cordage, ropes, fishing nets, blankets and a woven bags or luggage in the form of grids, which allow them to carry food and utensils. For the filástica put bunches of chaguar infuse for a few days, with which the threads are clean and suitable for spinning washing, whitening and refine it more, and is ignored as the stain with some colors that are always permanent. "
Father José Guevara of the Society of Jesus refers: "Al caraguatá nature destined for the garden fence, you tupe lot with strong stalks, tall, strong and armed with piercing thorns, which are removed bloodied but daring the unwary attackers. These leaves are estimable qualities, serve on tile roofs, which collect the water that flooded the chozuelas of the poor, and his heart was removed by way of hemp yarn, twisted rope used to strong, till it infidels in some tissues of artifice not less than the poverty of the matter. The fruit in the figure is similar to the pineapple, but the heart is sweet pulp , declining nice sweet and sour, and supplements the effect of any lemonade. " (History of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata and Tucumán by Father Guevara, of the Company Jesus, 2 ª. Party Cap. II: Of the trees)
Meanwhile Félix de Azara, in his "Description and History of Paraguay and the Río de la Plata" gives the following description: "There are many plants called pitas, carding and caraguaias , and between them are born the same in the ground on the trunks and roofs. Retain all their buds water from rain and dew that sometimes collect passengers to drink. I will mention only two: one filled with infinite at the edges of forests and also discovered. The leaves or fronds, have the color, width and thickness those of the pineapple or pineapple , but are much longer and thorny, and contain a few strands finer than those of the string of Spain, though no one uses. Is multiplied by shoots, and which of them has to bear fruit, comes with pearl-colored leaves of the liveliest. Among them get a scion of a small stick, thick, full of flowers four leaves that give many dates tight two-inch long, thick one, orange being mature, boys tend to eat some barbecue.
caraguatá The other called Ibira gives a result very similar to the famous pineapple , but nothing worth. No lives exposed, but in the interior of all the forests of Paraguay. Its leaves are not very thorny, of thin and long from one to six feet and two inches more width. The cut or tear the plants, the rot as hemp, easily removed with the fingers the skin and the fibers are as fine as those of hemp and the same color, which they call cuaraguatá tow. Without further benefit the spin to sew shoes, and tangles a bit with a rake made of six or eight common nails, caulk with them the craft with the advantage that they never loosen or rot in the water. There can be no doubt that the caraguatá tarps, ropes and cables, to resist more than those of hemp, as I have experienced small. Truth is that I presume will not be so flexibility, and they will not admit it tar. " (Azara, Félix de 1742-1821: Description and history of Paraguay and the Río de la Plata, cap. V" wild vegetables, "Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes , Spain)
Description In the Gran Chaco Chorográfica Gualamba (1733) , Father Pedro Lozano concerns: " The chaguar , named by the Indians, is a kind of pita, but lower in height, with spiny leaves and long stalks a foot or two. The best known species in the Chaco are two, one of the larger leaves and weak trunk, which grows on wetter sites, and other smaller leaves, strong stems and very dry places. This is the Chaco Indians prefer to turn it into yarn, which are at least as strong as hemp, and incorruptible water. Of them manufactured cordage, ropes, fishing nets, blankets and a woven bags or luggage in the form of grids, which allow them to carry food and utensils. For the filástica put bunches of chaguar infuse for a few days, with which the threads are clean and suitable for spinning washing, whitening and refine it more, and is ignored as the stain with some colors that are always permanent. "
In the narrative of his travels through the Chaco , Emilio Budin a detailed description of chaguar : "I bought, or rather changed, some wires and cuerditas the Indians, and some pins. these threads are made so that the region is called chaguar : Plant species from the family of bromeliads , of \u200b\u200bwhich forests are full. This plant is very similar to the pineapple , leaves have strong points and recurved thorns back so hard release their prey. The end of the blade ends in a pointy like a needle and when you click produces an unbearable itching . It is very difficult to walk in a chaguaral , only paying dearly for daring passes. The chaguar a panacea India and one of its main food. given its fibers are too easily removed and which serves to get the shirts pretty rough, yes, but with more care and more careful work would make a thread as fine as that of " chauvre " which is very similar except it is a bit more white. They also make hunting bags, strings for their bows, fishing lines, hammocks, in short, a lot of things. On the other hand it gives them, in November, its fruits are delicious, pretty good. This plant probably will be an industry in this country and will draw a very lucrative game as a textile plant is easiest to remove the fibers and a strength foolproof, and furthermore, for which I am sure do require huge capital. grows wildly as weed and needs no care, no other work that needs to be collected, dismantled and twisted to make rope or thread " . ( Barquez , Rubén M:" Travel Emilio Budin : The Expedition to Chaco, 1906-1907 - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Institute Ramón Lillo - National University of Tucumán - Argentina)
Etim. González Holguín realize Chhahua as squeeze, milk, squeeze.
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