Sacha bean Capparis Capparis retusa
of Kapparis Gr., Lat. Caapparis , "the caper plant or its fruit," a word apparently of Persian or Arabic (Ar. Kabar / Kabba ).
retusa, of Lat. retusus: dull, Adj. Applied to lamellar bodies, leaves, petals, etc. apex truncate and slightly notched at times with an apiculate at the center, as in the leaflets of the vein or the carob., etc (Handbook of Medicinal Plants, National Agrarian University)
Origin: Native
Family: Capparáceas
Other Names: Indian Cumandá; Language Cumandá; Guaicurú Beans, Beans the mountain, Sacha caper; Caper of Jamaica, Azucena del monte (Lillo) Bean; Tegueqaic (Toba). Chaguanco
was a name given to the aborigines by the Creoles.
The chacrero beans, formerly called "Cumanda" or "chaguanco" (family agriculture, the mainstay of the Guarani culture, Diario La Nación, Edit. 25/09/2006)

of dense branching shrub, leaves simple, alternate, dark green, elliptical, large, entire margins, midrib prominent on the lower side, glabrous on the upper, lepidote on the underside (covered trichome-scales), some leaves have recess in the end, pulvinules in petioles. Branches
fine lenticels, bark smooth, green, spineless.
fruit is a capsule (similar to a pod with chokes well marked), open only at maturity exposing the seeds, which tend to germinate in the ground, they are looking like beans, are involved in a goo
Properties: Food (seeds), fodder (leaves and fruits ) and Medicine (trunks and roots to combat smallpox, its root is slightly poisonous, is abortion) Park (Chaco, Chaco Subregion Semi-arid, Non-Wood Forest Products, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development,
Properties: Food, Forage and Medicinal ( ORTIZ, RAFAEL, FAO CONSULTANT: IX. STATUS OF INFORMATION ON NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS , pag. 179, country case studies. Vol. 14, Organization United Nations Food and Agriculture, Document Repository FAO)
"Beans on the Mount: A tree that we know as" anyuk "bean of the mountain. The way to prepare the fruit so: you have to cook changing the water until you feel the bitter taste and can be eaten fresh. When the seeds are mature the women together in a bowl with water and shake. The juice that comes from the seeds is like milk has lots of flavor and fat. When you take every day is getting fatter, much food. This is the way to prepare the beans from the mountain, is a very good food. " ( Fruits of Monte that are food for wichi , indigenous communities in Argentina: The Wichí Rumichajara, Digital Bulletin No. 4, Tucumán, Argentina)
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