"Against Milk Products" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.
perpetuate the ridiculous belief that we can not meet our protein needs without eating animal products is pure distortion and commercialism.
I would love to see those who disagree chasing a rabbit, tearing with teeth and hands (if they could catch it) and devour it raw, blood, guts, bones, skin and meat, as would a true carnivore that respect. And after giving the rabbit story, I would like to see them go to a pasture, put on all fours and suck the milk from the udder of a cow, to bring down the rabbit. That is also a little repulsive, right? Why? Because it is our natural inclination. If I did not the mother's breasts, is it too late? The fact is that most people react to the sick cow's milk. Go to another species to get milk is an insult to the magnificent project of nature.
It's really amazing that people always try to figure out a way to do things opposite to what is natural, and to justify always resort to half-truths. For example in America there are large billboards and full page ads in magazines that show different milk products with the legend that says: "Calcium in the manner specified by nature." They have forgotten to add two very important words: " For calves! "Calcio: as advised by nature for the calves! Cow's milk is for calves! Why is it so difficult to understand that? Once weaned, even a calf will drink milk ... or her own class or any other animal. He has an innate intelligence to not interfere in the grand scheme of nature. Too bad we lack the intelligence!
Nature is too wonderful and perfect for us to have the arrogance and audacity to dare to try to outsmart it. There is a reason that all mammals have milk when their children are born, and the milk of each species is beneficial only for the species. Such is the nature! So there are two things common to all mammals on earth, except us:
1. Do not consume the milk of another species. That would overextend their biological adaptation, and would not so. (Remember that we are not talking pets or kept in zoos, which have managed to pervert as much as ourselves.)
2. Once weaned, no animal ever drink milk again. This is food designed by nature to feed the young of the species. Designed specifically for rapid growth of a baby. That is their goal! It's stupid to insist that we continue taking it after the children, until we are octogenarians, if we live that long. Is ridiculous and regrettable. Should we really believe that, once our mothers breastfeeding, have to replace them cows?
How is it that the species with the most sophisticated brain, the greater intelligence and the unique ability of reasoning is too stupid to see this simple truth? And then there's the ironic fact that dairy products cause disease. Are harmful, cause suffering, are what one should eat if you have poor health and illness. Dietitians and nutrition experts, who are the spokesmen and the dairy industry jaleadores and tell us that these products are a good food, they should hide their heads in shame, not only to convince the innocent public that dairy products are really valuable but also not a day to stay informed in the field they are supposed to know something.
say that dairy products are a good food for humans is a proof of unpardonable ignorance of the facts. It is too evident that dairy products are a clear and present danger. I can understand this misconception in those outside the field of health, but for a professional, who will turn for reliable advice, tricking people out of laziness, ignorance, pride or economic benefits, or all of the rather, it is despicable. It is a criminal outrage liquidate the health of the population to get rich. And, you see, the evidence are now coming to light, but has been known for decades as harmful are dairy products. I have already provided data on diseases that can cause animal products high in fat and cholesterol (including dairy products). And there is much evidence, confirmed by common sense and scientific literature.
Cow's milk is used to raise a large animal, large-boned, with four stomachs, and in no way we respond to these criteria (although, unfortunately, I've seen some people start to have a dangerous aspect bovine). Think of cow's milk is designed to make A calf weighing 40 kilos at birth, despite reaching 900 kilos in just two years. Human children tend to weigh between 2, 7 and 4 kilos at birth and reach a weight of only
milk cow produces more mucus than any other food, a thick mucus, thick, which seals around the body's respiratory system, mucus that lines the inside of the body and prevents it from functioning smoothly, a thick mucus, sticky , which makes a huge way eliminative powers of the body, clogs the delicate mucous membranes and invites disease. Hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, runny noses and ear infections are due mainly to dairy products. Here are the main cause of allergies. Virtually every book, report and study on dairy mention allergies. There is no doubt intervention they have in that kind of conditions.
addition to many other sources, two of the best-qualified researchers in the field of dairy products, say the existence of such adverse effects. Both are doctors and have impressive credentials. Dr. William A. Ellis, almost an octogenarian, has researched the effects of dairy products for forty years, Dr. NW Walker, author of eight books, did research on nutrition and health for eighty years and died peacefully in 1985 of natural causes at the age of 109 years. These two learned gentlemen have done the most derogatory statements dairy products. Have also reported that cause heart disease and severe chest pains. As noted by Dr. Ellis, the last two centuries is known that cheese is one of the main factors that cause headaches. A study published in the journal Nature on July 6, 1974, shows that a protein found in many kinds of cheese are responsible for migraines. I've seen hundreds of people who stopped getting headaches after stopped taking dairy products or simply reducing their intake.
Do you have children? Has your child ever had an ear infection? Given that the medical profession and dieticians consider them a normal part of childhood, would not surprise me to answer no. If your child has or had ear infections, there are many opportunities to take dairy products, special milk bottle or both. For seventeen years, I have not yet seen a single child with ear infections that do not take dairy products. Here's how you can verify what I say and at the same time avoid further suffering to her son: eliminate all dairy from your diet, or reduce them greatly, and see what happens. After an initial period during which the child can still have a runny nose and perhaps another ear infection while the body clears the residual mucus, runny cease altogether and there will be no more ear infections. We have seen this hundreds of times. The body of a child reacts very quickly to positive changes. Stuffy noses and ears that are painful to induce tears are not normal.
course, you are concerned about calcium intake. We have handled carefully and have invested billions to have that reaction. Do not worry. Then I will discuss this issue and mitigaré their fears. The fear is exactly what we wield against you to make you eat dairy products. Think about it. What better advertising trick of you to think that, without a specific product will suffer deficiencies, pain, discomfort? Fear is an effective ploy has been used for decades to make people act a certain way to achieve a desired result. Most often, the result is bad for your health but good for business.
Here is an example. During the twenties, when widespread vaccination against smallpox, some people chose not to get vaccinated or allow their children vaccinated because of the number of deaths caused vaccines (something like the failure of the flu). Thus, we used the best strategy known fear. (...)
Remember that dairy products are rich in cholesterol and fat and no fiber, a bad combination, as that match all who have a basic knowledge of nutrition. It is strange that dietitians and nutrition experts obstinate praising both dairy products, knowing that foods high in fat and low in fiber are counterproductive. What more proof do you need? At the end of the day, what needs who are trying to satisfy?
Despite overwhelming scientific fact, basic common sense and logic, the dairy industry advertising and solicitations of dietitians and nutritional experts hired by the conviction that we have food for calves is essential to human survival.
In dairy products there are two elements to be decomposed by enzymes in the body: the lactose and casein. Lactose breaks down the enzyme lactase, while in charge of decomposing casein is renin. To the three or four years there renin in the human digestive tract, and so is lactase, except in a very small number of people. The term intolerance Lactose is handled as if it were a strange fact that sometimes manifests itself, but the truth is that over 98% of the population is lactose intolerant because they lack lactase. But instead of recognizing this as a proud part of the plan of nature and stop the intake of foods that require lactase (all dairy products), pharmaceutical companies take advantage of the fact and begin to advertise that you can chemicals take to help break down lactose. As if the public no longer getting enough drugs (MORE THAN 25 MILLION PILLS EVERY TIME) must produce more to help move something inside of our body, first, not even have to be there. Mother Nature does all in its power to help us recognize that fact.
Casein is the protein component of milk. Is a substance very thick, coarse, used for one of the strongest wood glues known. Does anyone fancy a sandwich glue? Cow's milk contains 300% more casein than human milk. By-products of bacterial decomposition of casein end up as a thick mucus, like a rope, which sticks to the mucous membranes and we stuck the body. The human body lacks any mechanisms digestive necessary to decompose. Earlier we referred to Dr. NW Walker, recognized worldwide as an authority on this subject and an expert on the glandular system. His studies convinced him that the throat goiter and other thyroid disorders were the direct result of casein from cow's milk, and specifically noted that the problem is complicated to a considerable extent when dairy products are pasteurized .
for years has advised patients to consume milk sores to relieve pain. Natural hygienists expressed from the start position contrary to his advice as absurd, for they knew The acid forming foods were the worst that could be supplied to an ulcer patient, and all dairy products except butter, are acid forming. Natural hygienists were the first to receive the attacks of the elite with the credentials of "experts" in health, but if you ask doctors or dieticians of today will now agree with them hygienists to those previously attacked . Dairy products aggravate ulcers.
Ulcerative colitis is another very painful and uncomfortable condition. It is often a precursor to colon cancer. Dairy products not only help colitis, but that removing these products from the diet results in a dramatic improvement of colitis. And, as we said before, dairy products, along with all other high protein foods are one of the main triggers colon cancer
A recent study in Italy indicates that mortality Because prostate cancer is 60% higher in the north than in the south. It was considered that frequent consumption of milk and cheese was a risk factor.
syndrome sudden infant death (SIDS) is a tragedy especially atrocious. An innocent baby gurgles and smiles and a moment later he is dead. It is true that SIDS can be attributed to any other cause, but it is unquestionable that dairy products are partly responsible. I am aware that this information does not make them happy because mothers of SIDS, but the evidence is irrefutable and must be taken into account.
In fact, the list of ailments that can be linked to dairy products is so extensive that there is hardly a health problem, at least not contributing. A book that presents an indictment of the most compelling and comprehensive to dairy products is Do not Drink Your Milk, Oski and Bell. Among the multitude of diseases and health problems that the authors attributed to dairy products include The Gehrig's disease and multiple sclerosis. The latter is more abundant in areas of the world where children are raised more dairy products to the breast. A diet low in animal fat, used for thirty years by a physician
If not for modern technology, all mammals are confined to feed their children and Once weaned, they all remain with foods that are adapted biologically. In the wild, drinking milk is not a problem for any mammal, only it is for the only mammal too "smart" to trust the plan of nature. Naturally, a big business cares about its benefits and does what he can to perpetuate the myth that cow's milk is a food fit for humans.
Before he arrived to become a nutrition consultant reimbursement
Well, take enough to drink milk as others, but also a few millennia we live in the state. The same is not so bad, right?
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