Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wwe Diva Natalya's Boobs

Soy - Too good to be true


Finucan Brandon and Charlotte Gerson:

Although there was considerable research in 1966 on harmful substances in the soybean, today we would have great difficulty in finding articles that claim that soy is anything but a miracle food. By becoming more and more soy popular throughout industry and propaganda, we feel compelled again to raise our voices concerned.

Soybean Industry in the United States

In 1924, soybean production in the United States was only 1.8 million acres harvested, but for 1954, the number of acres harvested has increased to 18.9 million. Currently, U.S. soybean production is the third largest (in 1998 were harvested 72 million acres), providing more than 50 percent of global demand for soybeans.

Most of this production is used as animal feed and the manufacture of soybean oil to be used as vegetable oil, margarine, and butter. Traditional uses of soybean as food, only soy sauce is widely consumed in the American diet. Tofu, which represents 90 percent of the use of soybeans in Asia, has become more popular in the U.S., but soy is still nowhere near being a measurable component of the average American diet. Does it?

For over 20 years, the soy industry has concentrated on finding alternative uses and new markets for soybeans and soybean products. In the supermarket local, soy can now be found disguised as everything from cheese, milk, burgers and hot dogs, to cones, yogurt, vegetable oil, baby formula and flour (to name a few products). These are often marketed as low in fat and free of animal products or meat substitutes, high protein, vegetarian. But soy is not always mentioned at the top of the box. Currently, an alarming 60% of food on the shelves of supermarkets in the U.S. contain soy derivatives (ie soy flour, textured vegetable protein, hydrogenated soybean oil, soy protein isolate). When one examines the list of ingredients, and really look at the contents of the "Average American Diet," from fast food to snacks and pre-packaged frozen meals, soy plays a major role.

Where soybeans are wrong?

Here at the Gerson Institute, we believe that the positive aspects of the soybean are overshadowed by their potential to do harm. In fact, soybean contains a large number of hazardous substances. One among them is phytic acid, also called phytates. This organic acid is present in the bran or hulls of all seeds and legumes, but none have the high phytate content of soybeans has. These acids block the absorption of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc. Besides the problem of high phytate content, the soybean is highly resistant to reduction techniques, such as long cooking over low heat.

Soybeans also contain potent enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors block uptake of trypsin and other enzymes that the body needs for digestion of proteins. Normal cooking does not deactivate these "anti-nutrients" harmful that can cause serious stomach ailments and reduced protein digestion and can lead to chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.

Apart from these, the soybean also contains hemagglutinin, a substance that promotes clotting and causes red blood cells are clustered. These clustered erythrocytes can not properly absorb oxygen for distribution to the tissues of the body or keep the heart healthy. Both hemagglutinin and trypsin inhibitors are substances "depressing growth." Although the action of fermenting soy beans themselves off as inhibitors of trypsin and hemagglutinin, precipitation and cooking do not. Although the level of these enzyme inhibitors are reduced within precipitated soy products like tofu are not completely eliminated.

Only after a long period of fermentation (as in the formation of miso or tempeh) are reduced levels of phytate and "anti-nutrients, making the nutritional value is available to the human digestive system. High levels of harmful substances remaining in precipitated soy products leave their nutritional value questionable at a level best, and at least, a potentially damaging level.

And Out?

In recent years, there have been several studies regarding the effect of soybeans on human health. The results of these studies, mostly sponsored by various groups of the soybean industry, of course they were overwhelmingly in favor of soybeans. The main claims about the health benefits of soy are based purely on bad science. Although the main arguments in favor of cancer patients use soy focus on statistics showing low rates of breast, colon, and prostate cancer among Asian some obvious facts have been ignored completely. Although studies boast that Asian women have less breast cancer than American women, propaganda fail to note that these Asian women eat a diet that is dramatically different from that of their American counterparts.

Asian The normal diet consists of natural products, meat, less fat, more vegetables, more fish. Their diets are also lower in chemicals and toxins, they eat fewer processed foods (canned, packed in jars in brine, frozen). It is likely that these studies have been influenced by the fact that increased cancer rates among Asians who move to the United States and adopt Americanized diets. Of course, this change of diet goes hand in hand with a dramatic change in lifestyle. Ignoring the remarkable changes in diet and lifestyle, to assume that only low levels of soya these Americanized Asian diets is a major factor in higher rates of cancer and reveals a poor view, as stated above , a science wrong. Changes in diet and lifestyle should be taken into account in reaching the correct conclusion.

An article that has spread widely, written by Jane E. Allen, author of scientific articles for AP, and entitled: "Scientists Suggest More Soy in Diet", cites numerous speakers during a symposium, discussing the probable advantages of soy under the title "Impact of Soy Protein in Health. " However, the article says the symposium, which cost $ 50,000, "was sponsored by Protein Technologies International, St. Louis, a DuPont subsidiary that makes soy protein!" During the same symposium, Thomas Clarkson, a professor of comparative medicine at Wake Forest University, says: "The current hormone replacement therapy has been a dismal failure from the point of view of public health, "not because Premarin is known to cause cancer in the uterus or other female organs, but" because only 20 percent of women who could benefit from it are receiving it. "

Other popular arguments in support of soy state that fermented products like tempeh or natto, contain high levels of vitamin B-12. However, these supportive arguments fail to mention that the B-12 of soybean is a inactive analog B-12, which is not used as a vitamin in the human body. Some researchers speculate this analog may actually serve to prevent the body from absorbing the B-12. It is also descubrierto that allergic reactions to soybeans are much more common than all other vegetables. Until the American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that exposure to soy at a young age through commercial infant formulas can be a major cause of soy allergies among older children and adults.

In his classic book, "A Cancer Therapy - Results of 50 Cases" (p. 237), the DDRA .. Gerson put "Soy and Soy Products" on the list of "forbidden" foods for Gerson Therapy patients. At that time, his greatest concerns were two items: the high oil content of soybeans and soy products, and rather high rate of allergic reactions to soy. Soybeans can add up to 9 grams of fat per serving, typically adding an average of 5 grams of fat per serving when part of the diet of the average American.

Extraction Process

processes that make "edible" soybeans are also the processes that make it "inedible". To ferment the soybean, the process involves the beans are pureed and saturated with an alkaline solution. Pureed mixture is then heated to approximately 115 º C (239 º F) in a pressure cooker. This process of warming and clipping destroys most of the anti-nutrients, but not all. At the same time, it has the serious disadvantage of denaturing the protein from the beans, so that it becomes very difficult to digest, and its effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Unfortunately, the alkaline solution also produces a carcinogen, the lisinealina, while reducing the cystine content in soybeans, and low in itself. Cystine plays an essential role in liver detoxification, allowing our bodies to filter and eliminate toxins. Without adequate amounts of cystine, protein complex the soybean becomes useless unless the diet is fortified with cystine-rich meat, eggs, or animal products - which is not an option for patients with Gerson.

In support of the soybean, I must say that it does contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids beneficial, but they are particularly likely to become rancid when subjected to high pressures and temperatures. Unfortunately, you need high pressure and temperature to extract oil from soybeans.

Before the soy bean is sent to your table, go through a rigorous process to strip them of their oil. First, apply hexane and other solvents to help separate the oil from the beans, leaving traces of these toxins in the commercial product. By definition, hexane is "any of five colorless hydrocarbons, volatile liquids (C 6 H 14) in the series of paraffins, and may not be beneficial at all to anyone's diet. After oil is extracted, the defatted flakes are used to form the three basic protein products. With the exception of soy flour that retains all fats, all soybean products contain trace amounts of carcinogenic solvents.

Experiences Personal

The following letter was received in November 1998: "I used soy milk for 12 years without any problem. As nine months ago, I started having heart palpitations. I thought I had reached menopause, but it was not. Add to my diet potassium and magnesium and vitamin E. But there was no change. I was taking decaffeinated coffee, but now I eliminated all sugar from my diet. I lost 25 pounds and I I felt extremely well, except for the palpitations. I tried hawthorn and garlic, but nothing helped. Recently, I fell into bed with bronchitis acute and could only drink water because even the soy milk caused me horrendous attacks of coughing. I noticed that after some days, heart palpitations had ceased. I did not give more importance because it never occurred to me that soya was the culprit. As soon as I started taking it again, my heart went crazy. The suspended for a week and then changed my brand. After 30 minutes of drinking only 4 ounces [soy milk], my heart was pounding. I noticed that you need 24 to 36 hours for my heart to stabilize. I wondered if your research had produced something like this in relation to soybeans. I know that is not within the definition of allergy, but something definitely is happening. I called the manufacturer of soy milk, but did not help me at all. I am very upset because I only drink soy milk and water. I also use soy milk to make protein shakes (with what else but soy protein).

In the November / December 1996 On our Gerson Healing Newsletter, we described another case: a pregnant woman who looked very sick and suffered from great mental retardation. She also described her son five years old, who suffered from many allergies and infections - both were using a considerable canntidad soy in your diet. I recommended to stop using all soy products. At that time, only I had found in that situation. But a year later, I came to the same area to give a lecture, and the lady invited me to lunch. Had been removed from your diet all soy products: her skin was now rosy, her cheeks were stuffed, their eyes sunken previously were now normal, dark circles were gone, and the health of their young son, who now had six years, was much improved.

Only last week, we noticed another interesting story. A patient at Gerson Certificate of Mexico City told us about his son, now 25, who suffered from a total absence of hair (alopecia), with the exception of eyebrows and eyelashes. She added that this started when he was only three years. Since the mother asked me about this situation, I thought for a moment the problem. Then, looking at both parents, who have normal hair, I thought the boy's problem was probably not genetic. So I asked the mother if she used a lot of soy. She said no. But then, after thinking about the question for a moment, said that when the boy was about a year, had many allergies, so she regularly fed him soy milk! I explained the ability of soy block enzymes and nutrients, and the likelihood that soy milk was the cause of the alopecia had begun three years. As we had just witnessed the case of a patient whose hair had grown back over his skull after being bald naked for about 20 years, he cautiously suggested that a complete change of diet, accompanied by intense detoxification, could correct the problem.

COMMENT: This is an excellent summary of some of the main reasons why soy is not the healthy food you think it is. There are literally billions of dollars to influence the edible oil industry, which are promoting the use of soy in natural medicine circles for so their use can be promoted among the medical public at large. They can even fool natural medical doctors who are knowledgeable. I am a monthly columnist in the publication Townsend Letters, and another columnist, Dr. Hudson, who was declared by vote of the year naturopathic physician, this month published an article praising the values \u200b\u200bof soybeans. Needless to say, quickly wrote a letter asking them to publish Townsend the other side of the story of the soybean. Meanwhile, you can be prevented and your family avoid potential problems by limiting any use of fermented soy products only, like tempeh or miso.

not Believe the Propaganda!

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) is one of the leading manufacturers of soy products. He's trying to get the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognize the category of generally recognized as safe (GRAS, for its acronym in English) for isoflavones, estrogen-like compounds found in products Soy. The company presented a paper entitled "Information Paper that examines the safety of soy isoflavones used in specific dietary applications."

Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, a biochemist and former professor at the University of Auckland, this material carefully analyzed and presented its findings in an article titled "Soy Isoflavones: Panacea or Poison", which was published in the Journal of the Price-Pottinger Nutrition Foundation (vol. 22, no. 3). Dr. Fitzpatrick concluded that the support of ADM document containing "factual errors, misrepresents cited authors and does not present the totality of the evidence scientific ".

ADM states that" these isoflavones have been consumed by millions of human beings for more than two thousand years. "Indeed, although they have been used in Asia for hundreds of years," there were an important part of the diet [the Asian]. "In addition, Fitzpatrick notes," traditional soybeans was quite different from what we know today. "The wild soybean, the soybean Glycine," is the species traditionally consumed, and the ancestor of modern culture, Glycine max, "said Fitzpatrick. The modern species has been cultivated to produce much more protein than traditional soybeans.

Isoflavones act as "defensive mechanism in response to pests. A consistent goal of soybean growers has been a greater resistance to disease, and it is quite conceivable that this goal has served to increase the levels of isoflavones and other toxins that occur naturally in Glycine max. The levels of isoflavones in Glycine max vary considerably. "If this is so, then it is unlikely that the traditional Asian soybean, Glycine, contain very low levels of isoflavones or perhaps none at all," says Fitzpatrick. Therefore, ADM's assertion that the soybean has been consumed for more than two thousand years can not be justify.

Soy and Infant Formula

What is particularly worrying is the presence of soy in infant formulas. It is interesting to note that many children do not tolerate soy formulas, which seem to be "allergic" to soy.

Perhaps the body instinctively rejects the enzyme inhibitors found in soybeans. In a letter to Linda Kahl in the Division of Product Policy of the FDA, and dated April 22, 1998, Daniel Sheehan, Ph.D. and director of the Estrogen Base Program National Center for Toxicological Research, wrote: "There is abundant evidence that some isoflavones, including genistein, are toxic. Additionally, isoflavones are inhibitors of thyroid peroxidase, which makes the [hormone] T3 and T4. can be expected inhibition generate thyroid abnormalities including goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis. In fact, children who consume soy formulas rich in isoflavones have about twice the risk of contracting these diseases ... While isoflavones may have beneficial effects at some ages or in certain circumstances, can not be assumed that this is true for all ages. Isoflavones are like other estrogens they are two-edged swords, conferring both benefits and therefore risks.

Dr. Sheehan believes that: "The addition of isoflavones in foods should be considered in the same way that adding estrogen to the food, which is a bad idea." Dr. Sheehan is very concerned about the high levels of estrogen in soy-based formulas. Thinks that children fed with these formulas have been put at risk in an experiment with children, which is a large scale, uncontrolled and basically unmonitored. " Dr. Fitzpatrick brings up another point at issue: he believes that soy can be combined with other xenoestrogens (such as pesticides). Fitzpatrick writes that "because of the potential to cause synergistic effects of human exposure to all endocrine disruptors, such as soybeans, is urgently needed that isoflavones are reduced."

Soy and the Western Diet

Part of this article, we mentioned that assumptions have been made linking soy intake with low incidence of certain cancers in Asia. "However, an epidemiological study in China has shown that a high intake of soy protects against breast cancer." 1

Conveniently, Soy proponents have ignored a study showing that high levels of genistein may stimulate breast cells to enter the cell cycle. " 2 These findings are "consistent with a previous report Petrakis et al , expressing the concern that women fed soy protein isolate have a higher incidence of epithelial hyperplasia." 3

Recently, the British government published its discovery of the effects of soy in the diet, concluding that "almost no evidence linking the health benefits of foods containing isoflavones with isoflavones themselves. " 4

Another study concluded that" any benefits of soy products are not due to isoflavones specifically ... [And] the combination of a high intake of phytoestrogens in a Western diet may not be beneficial. " 5

natural addition to problems with soybeans, we face a new Western phenomenon: genetically altered soybeans . Among other genetically altered foods, or GMOs, such as corn, apples, tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, lettuce, potatoes, wheat, and even walnuts (to name a few), soy is one of the most controversial. Monsanto, a leading biotech billionaire who brought us rBGH (bovine growth hormone), has been struggling for several years to bring to the table you genetically altered foods. So far, is winning. The truth is that unless you have been eating only organic foods, is likely to have been testing the work of Monsanto.

Monsanto has gained millions in profits from sales of its popular herbicide, RoundupÆ, and in turn has produced several transgenic crops resist it. Of course, the soybean crop is among those Roundup-ReadyÆ. Being resistant to the potent herbicide, farmers can spray more of it on their crops, resulting in higher levels of toxins in the harvested product. Recent studies have shown that soybean crops have a high estrogen level (much higher than the already high levels of soybeans). As mentioned earlier, the synergistic effect of these estrogens - especially in children ingiiereen soy-based formulas - is unknown, but some eyebrows hoop made in a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics.

The researchers found that one percent of all girls now showing signs of puberty such as breast development or pubic hair before age three, to the age of eight years, 14.7 for Caucasian girls and a huge 48.3 percent of African American girls had one of those features or both, "says Sally Fallon in the article on soy published by Price-Pottinger.

been shown that these higher estrogen levels increase the amount of fat produced in the milk of cows fed with altered beans and sprayed. Along with the use of rBGH, high estrogen levels cast doubt on whether the milk of cows may actually be called milk.

The European Union has struggled desperately to keep genetically engineered crops entering the European food chain, but this June, both France and Ireland will be planting the first crops alteradosen European soil. In the United States, there are very few laws (if any) on the biotechnology industry.

Soy Protein Intake and

Soybeans is not the basis for measuring whether a vegetarian diet or not to provide protein and nutrients your body needs. In fact, a diet completely devoid soy or meat products but rich in fruits and vegetables gives your body all the protein and nutrients they need. The important factor in determining whether a vegetarian diet free of soy is good enough for you or not, it is a careful combination food. Is calories. While you eat enough greens, fruits, and vegetables, your body will get everything you need. This is the reason why the Gerson therapy, with its well-balanced plant-based diet (soy-free), and rich in vitamins and enzymes, can effectively treat even the most difficult ailments.


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