vs Scientists. Industry
Jane Phillimore discusses some of the points raised by
new research
Taken from Optimal Wellness center, which turn
plays it editing August 27, 2000 the Sunday Observer
Twelve years ago, I visited an alternative health practitioner for advice on some non-specific symptoms to health. I'd hardly sat down when I said that my diet needed radical attention. I had to give up all animal products, wheat, alcohol, and caffeine, and substitute protein in the form of soy milk and tofu. At present, this kind of advice is routine, but at the time seemed glamorously radical: I had to walk to the health food store in Clapham to stock soy milk because Sainsbury did not have its own brand (as they do now), and vegetable and soya sausages were just a glint in the eyes of Linda McCartney.
In experience, I lost so much weight and felt immensely rejuvenated. So much so that, four months later, I started eating normally again. Just as well, because now it has been found that soy, far from being the magical properties and health claims on which both the brigade insists alternative medicine can actually be harmful to you. The reputation of soy as a product which is generally anti-cancer, reduces cholesterol, osteoporosis-fighting, and has little fat is based on bad science and superlative marketing carried out by the powerful soy industry.
Worldwide, the evidence against soy is beginning to accumulate. In this country (the UK), MAFF is so worried about possible health problems caused by the phytoestrogens in soy that are funding a rolling program of 19 separate research projects, which must terminate in 2002. Preliminary findings by Professor John Ashby of AstraZeneca Central Toxicology Laboratory in Macclesfield, for example, confirm that soya infant formula (currently the sole food of 6,500 British babies) has an estrogenic effect in rats. According to public health minister Yvette Cooper, will not occur again on the soybean board until the COT (Committee on Toxicity
This could take several years. Meanwhile, if you've been seduced by the message that soy is the healthy of the 21st century, read on ...
Soy contains large amounts of various toxic chemicals, which can not be fully destroyed even with the long cooking process. These substances include phytates, which block the absorption of minerals by the body, enzyme inhibitors, which hinder the digestion of protein, and hemagglutinin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen asbsorción and growth. And what is most controversial of all, soy contains high levels of phytoestrogens (also known as isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen.
Surely, the Japanese eat soy in large quantities, and as a result have low rates of breast, uterus, colon, and prostate cancer?
That's the big myth on which it has built the idea of \u200b\u200bsoy health claim. In fact, the Japanese do not eat much soy: a study conducted in 1998 showed that a Japanese man typically eats about 8g (2 tsp) by day, nothing like the 220g (8oz) that a Westerner could put away by eating a big piece of tofu and two glasses of soy milk.
Second, although the Japanese may have lower rates of cancer in the reproductive organs, it is believed that this is due to other dietary and lifestyle: they eat less fatty meat, more fish and vegetables and less canned or processed in a typical Western diet. Thirdly, Asians have a much higher incidence of thyroid cancer and digestive diseases, including cancer of the stomach, pancreas, liver, and esophagus.
I'm vegetarian and large quantities of tofu and drink large amounts of soy milk. Should I stop?
Soy has become the meat and milk of vegetarians, being the main source of protein in your diet. But in fact, eating soy puts vegetarians at severe risk of mineral deficiencies, including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and especially zinc. According to Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand biochemist who has a web site about soy (see below), this is because soy contains high levels of acid phytate, which blocks the absorption of essential minerals in the digestive tract. To reduce the effects of a diet high in phytates, you need to eat, as the Japanese do, lots of meat or fish with tiny bits of soya.
not tolerate cow's milk. Should I take soy milk?
Soy has become the fashionable option for people who do not "tolerate" dairy animal. It is little known that soya is the second most common allergen. Only 1 percent of the population is truly allergic to cow's milk and of these, two thirds will also tolerate soy milk. In addition, soy milk has a high aluminum content. This is because the soy protein isolate which milk is manufactured acid-washed in aluminum tanks. No wonder it tastes bad.
Can soy affect thyroid?
For years, it has been known that phytoestrogens in soya depress thyroid function. In Japan, a survey conducted in 1991 showed that 30g of soya a day results in a huge increase in thyroid stimulating hormone. This can cause goitre, hypothyroidism, and thyroid disease autoimmune.
I'm pregnant. Should I avoid soy?
Probably, especially if you're vegetarian. A new study of babies born to vegetarian mothers showed that baby boys had triple the risk of hypospadias, a defect of the penis, which is present at birth. The researchers suggest this is due to greater exposure to phytoestrogen rich foods, especially soybeans. Inappropriate hormone levels such as those caused by a high intake of soy during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy may also harm the developing fetal brain.
But surely I can feed my baby soy formula? should be safe: it is available in every supermarket and pharmacy?
soy-fed babies are taking part in a 'grand experiment with human infants, an experiment that is still not controlled or monitored, "he said in 1998, Daniel Sheehan, director of the National Center for Toxicological Research
As a result of this phytoestrogen overload, soya-fed infants have twice the risk of developing thyroid abnormalities including goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis. Males are at risk of being delayed physical maturation, while girls risk early puberty (1 per cent of girls now show signs of puberty such as breast development or pubic hair before age three) and infertility. Researchers have also suggested that diabetes, changes in the central nervous system, extreme emotional behavior, asthma, immune system problems, pituitary insufficiency and IBS may be caused by a high phytoestrogen intake in early life.
Last year, the components of soy were also implicated in the development of childhood leukemia. Currently, the government (UK) advises that breast milk is best, and that soy formula should not given to infants unless on the advice of a health care professional.
Can soy help in the case of prostate cancer?
The former bond trader at high risego, Michael Milken certainly thinks so. He consumes 40g of soya protein every day for that purpose. The science is less conclusive. A recent study on Japanese-Americans living in Hawaii showed that men who ate two or more servings of tofu a week during middle age not only had 'accelerated brain aging', rising to more than double incidence of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, but also looked five years older than men who had not eaten.
My mother died of breast cancer, and I have advised medical sources, both mainstream and complementary, that increasing my soya intake may offer protection against the disease. Is this true?
The evidence is very inconclusive. In Diet
But surely soy prevents osteoporosis, the bone thinning that particularly affects to post-menopausal women?
No. In fact, soy blocks calcium and causes a deficiency of vitamin D, needed for strong bones, say nutritionists and soya debunkers Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig.
Is there some sort of soy product that I can eat safely?
fermented soy products like soy sauce, tempeh and miso. The long fermentation process counteracts the effects of natural toxins in soya.
"I can avoid soy?
is difficult. You can stop eating the obvious candidates such as soya milk and tofu, but soy is also found in breakfast cereals, ice cream, fast food like burgers, fish fingers and lasagne, and all kinds of baked goods from cakes and biscuits to tortillas and bread. If that's your mission in life, read labels carefully, and processed organic foods whenever possible.
Finally, those campaigning for soybeans always say that in the United States, a quarter of the population has been fed infant formula between 30 and 40 years with no adverse health problems. So, why should I care?
Scientists are only beginning to investigate and understand the harmful long-term effects that eating large amounts of soy can have on the human body. As Fallon and Enig write: "For years, industry has known that soy contains many toxins. At first they told the public that the toxins were removed by processing. Then they claimed that these substances were beneficial. It appears to be a great battle in the near future.
More information [English], enter the website
www.soyonlineservice.co.nz a detailed informal source of soy, and is managed by Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick.
However, a point in the article with which I disagree is the author's claim that only 1 percent of the population is allergic to cow's milk. While this may be true with respect to conventional methods of diagnosing allergies, the majority of the population suffers some degree of allergy or sensitivity to cow's milk, and would do better to avoid it altogether.
It would be best to avoid both cow's milk as "milk" of soybeans, and drink only water.
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