Saturday, April 5, 2008

Suggest Some Group Names For College Mates

Soy - Consumers in the midst of deceit


Buján Silvana.

serious research has shown that soy, filed in the past times as the solution to the scourge of hunger, is far from being the "perfect food."

Soy consumption has a lot of press. It is presented as the solution to hunger. It is touted as the perfect food.
The harsh reality reveals it as a trap:
infants fed soy , can not absorb iron, calcium or zinc and hormonal system is imbalanced. Intellectual development will be smaller than other children. Pregnant women who consume soy as a base diet will have serious problems in the baby's hormonal system and themselves. And
adults we believed in the mirage of soy (GM or not) incorporate hormone doses and are exposed to very strong low allergy defenses and complications.

In truth, we are the victims of the need for multinationals to locate soy fed to livestock, the first world.
Behind the mirage of colorful posters, we are faced with the harsh reality: soy creates a deficiency of vitamin B1. phytic acid binds to minerals, preventing their absorption especially zinc, calcium and magnesium. Those who eat much soy are at risk for deficiencies of these minerals. Soy protein is a source of incomplete and unbalanced.

Soybeans have antithyroid properties. estrogenic isoflavones present in soy are known to be beneficial to health: The hard truth is that people who regularly consume soy products can suffer different thyroid imbalances. Animal studies isoflavones bind with goitre. Other studies have linked soy consumption not only hypothyroidism but also with low energy levels, poor absorption of minerals and infertility.
protein TVP is used as filler in spite of containing anti-nutrients. Both the soy and other protein isolates may cause a negative calcium balance in humans and contribute to causing osteoporosis.

milk Milk is not

Soy milk is used as a replacement for cow's milk and is promoted to the consumer
in infant formulas. Soy milk is not equivalent to human milk or the vaccine. And not only that the soy milk (so it should be called) has negative characteristics as food for infants and children: can modify their hormonal development.
baby Le incorporates substances that act as hormones, to the extent that the body feels to be receiving the equivalent of several conceptive pills a day, 2,000 estrogenic compounds concentration higher than human milk or milk powdered cow may cause premature development of breasts and sexual characteristics in girls , and possibility that the male organs do not develop normally in male puberty . In addition, no cholesterol, an essential substance for the proper development of brain and central nervous system of children. The soy lobby is very powerful because it gives the manufacturer of food and beverage economic filler.

soybean Why do we give up by the ears?

Argentina as record crop farmer can not feed its inhabitants. This is made possible by a perverse agricultural model introduced in the last decade and a half in which large transnational seed industry and agriculture dependent toxic brought the country to produce for export without value-added operation that does not translate into enough quality food to feed our population.

A production scheme shrinking labor force and degrades the environment to the extent of leaving barren.

In short, agriculture, as the Ecology Forum policy without farmers deforested forests and native forests, with expulsion of peasant communities, in their desire to extend the soya frontier regions not withstand many cycles without degrading culture

Almost all of the soybean crop is genetically modified, low-firms that sell the seed and the technology package the increasingly poor peasant, priced dollar.

Today, GM soya is touted to alleviate hunger. That soy in the first world is the food of cattle. It is a simple operation to open new markets for multinational sectors.

The Nutritionists Forum (Forum for Food and Nutrition Plan , under the auspices of UNICEF ) in July 2002, warned the national government (which had consulted with specialists from different institutions, including FAO ; UNICEF national universities, ministries INTA , Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría , Caritas, etc.) that
"As for the use of soy, it is recommended to point out what their real nutritional value, their appropriate use supplement as part of a varied and complete, and the recommendation not to name the soy-based beverage (juice) and "milk" (soy milk) because it does not replace in any way. (... ) is deficient in many nutrients, and its high phytate content interferes with the absorption of iron and zinc, nor is it a good source of calcium. (...) The use Soy should include environmental and social impact, the training requirements for proper use, the difficulty of its incorporation in the context of food culture and nutritional considerations that militate against use in children under 5 years and especially under 2 years. "
This was the advice he received the national government before launching the joint soybean :

Before hiding these realities and bring people to an impoverished diet and risky.
Before the country to curb the power of multinationals.
Legitimize Before that people eat food for livestock.


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